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是大权在手,纵横天下?Power is at hand, the sun?

纵横和字谜求解。Crossword and anagram solver.

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在自己的世界里纵横跋扈。Aspect in their own world, bossy.

完成事件“纵横交织杯比赛”。Finish the event "Truck-Cross Cup".

就连纵横中国的超级英雄。Even the most heroic heroes in China.

阡陌纵横。The paths crisscrossed in the fields.

纵横填字谜都是伟大的词检索。Crosswords are great for word retrieval.

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在纵横上“过度朋友”很糟糕Over-Friending is a Bad Idea on Latitude

她做纵横填字游戏是一绝。She is a genius at doing crossword puzzles.

放眼望去,一条条铁路纵横在我眼前。Look closely, a horizontal rail in front of me.

贝尔实验室纵横中央局交换机问世。Bell introduces crossbar central office switches.

合生东郊别墅,纵横龙东大道。Hopson Dongjiao Villa, Cross the Longdong Avenue ,.

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当她看到这悲凉的情景时热泪纵横。Her tears poured forth as she watched the sad scene.

在旅途中,我以玩儿纵横字谜为消遣。I did some crosswords to amuse myself on the journey.

武义纵横工具有限公司,始于1990年。Wuyi Zongheng Tools Co. , Ltd was established in 1990.

阡陌纵横的田野,一片金黄灿烂。Crisscross paths on a farmland fields, a bright yellow.

他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上。He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles.

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无端风忽起,纵横不成字。The wind suddenly for no reason, the aspect not a word.

肌动蛋白能够形成了一个电缆结构纵横交叉包围细胞。The actin protein forms cables that crisscross the cell.

乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside.