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探察杂草丛生的寺院周围地区。Exploring the overgrown purlieus of the temple.

完成设备的所有焊接应无法探察。All welds shall be undetectable in finished work.

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或者说,我们探察饱和碳酸的技巧可能是一次意外。Or, our carbonation-detecting skills could be an accident.

对新模型的探察测试简单明了。Exploration testing the new model is fairly straightforward.

经过更为仔细的探察,他发现这些岩石含金。He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold.

剧本称这种单人步行机为改造过的探察步行机。The script refers to this single-man walker as a modified scout walker.

由上图表数据得出结论,他们发现这样的白鼠探察不到二氧化碳。They found that such mice could not detect carbon dioxide, as seen in the chart.

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因为一个说假话的探察家会给地理书带来灾难性的后果。Because an explorer who told lies would bring disaster on the books of the geographer.

皇上派了多芒的轻骑兵师往探察那斑点。The Emperor detached Domon's division of light cavalry to reconnoitre in that quarter.

事实是,探察测试在某个地方出问题了,产生了一个误判。As it turns out, this is one area where the exploration test fails and yields a false positive.

1948年他前往刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行探察。In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro.

最后根据分割的图像统计杂草的密度,达到对杂草进行实时探察的目的。We can use the last weed image to count the density of weed. So we get the detection of weed in real-time.

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她说是看不懂那个色块是什么意思,先记着,等到了实地在好好探察一下!She says is don't understand that is what mean, record first, wait until on-the-spot just probe well for a while!

英国石油公司的工程人员在压力测试过程中,正继续用地震检波器、声纳探察仪等设备来监看油井状况。During the pressure test, BP engineers are continuing to monitor the well with seismic, sonar and other equipment.

女祭司一成不变地看着西南方,所以舍姆森换了一块石头,自顾自地探察着军队。The priestess invariably looked to the southwest, so Shemsen chose a different stone and spotted the army himself.

将362例病人分成4个年龄组,运用眼科常见检查法来详细探察比较。Methods We divided 362 patients into 4 groups and used ophthalmologic usual methods to observe and compare carefully.

最后,光亮更加扩散,不久,他向下面摸索着的探察就遇到阻力了。At last the illumination became more general, and soon after that his downward- groping exploration met with resistance.

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显然,这里需要深入探察供应链中发生的情况,才能了解所有产品补充步骤是否都在按计划正常执行。Obviously, deep insight in the supply chain is needed here to understand whether or not all replenishments are on schedule.

奥莱尔•斯坦因是中国西北探察史、敦煌学术史上的关键人物之一,他先后四次到中国新疆、甘肃等地区进行考察。Sir Aurel Stein was one of the keyman in history of the exploration in northwest of Chinese Turkestan and Dunhuang Studies.

本文着重从文化这一新的视角探察了汉语中蒙语借词的来源及其使用、演变情况。This article traces the origin, usage and development of Mongolian loanwords in Chinese from a cultural angle in particular.