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大型的医疗改革已经箭在弦上,正式提上议事日程。The big health care push is officially on.

而经济学家们口中所称的第三轮“量化宽松”也已经箭在弦上。A third round of what economists call "quantitative easing" is imminent.

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老让藏在灌木丛中拉开弓。箭在弦上。Ron Sr. was hidden below in the brush, an arrow in place, his bow ready.

李奥和狞虎会一波接著一波的正邪力量对抗,箭在弦上的紧张时刻,李奥被陷害入狱!In a plenty of fight against the Gang, Leo was framed and put into jail at the critical moment!

随着国内检验市场日益开放,商检公司改革已经箭在弦上。With the domestic market will become more open inspection, commodity inspection companies reforms blame.

这种巧合不能不让人想到最近箭在弦上的美伊关系。This kind of strangely fits can not but let the person thought of the beautiful relation poised to strike recently.

放心的一切是箭在弦上,这意味着混乱和不确定性的时期会比较简单。Be assured everything is ready to go ahead, meaning that the period of disruption and uncertainty will be relatively brief.

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虽然“两岸共同市场”无法成型,两岸贸易合作机制问题已经箭在弦上了。Though " two sides common market " unable to shape, cooperative mechanism's issue, trade of two sides, already can't but go ahead.

进入2006年,3G牌照已经是箭在弦上,虽然政府还没有正式发放,但是各大电信运营商已经着手在经营层面介入3G的市场竞争。The 3G license is not formally released by China government in early 2006. However, there is no returning back to issue the license.

艾尔告知他,北约对南斯拉夫的打击已是箭在弦上,普里马科夫下令其专机掉头,飞回莫斯科。When Al notified him that a NATO attack on Yugoslavia was imminent, Primakov ordered his plane to turn around and take him back to Moscow.

相信农业的又一轮重大改革发展已经箭在弦上,应该从未来几年的投资战略上引起足够的重视。Believed that agricultural another round important reforms development already the point of no return, should strategically bring to the enough attention from a future several year investment.