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他的团队非常松懈。His team was very relaxed.

不要松懈下来。Don't relax in your efforts.

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但是,暴风雪没有松懈下来的迹象。But the storm was unrelenting.

他的警觉从未松懈下来。His vigilance never languished.

你不要松懈。You must not relax in your efforts.

但是,我们松懈了,他们努力了。But we slacked off, and they labored on.

土地市场治理整顿不能松懈。Land market rectification can not relax.

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松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.

他尝试了每件事物他可以接合部份松懈。He tried everything he could to be unstuck.

但是他的精神并不因这种种不幸而松懈。But his spirit was unstrung by his misfortunes.

推动再生能源的力道松懈了.The push toward renewable fuels has been lessened.

松懈的骹骨和关节属于严重缺陷。Weak pasterns and knuckling over are serious faults.

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酒精使得这些脑组织变得松懈,甚至是停止运作Alcohol relaxes, shuts down those parts of the brain.

但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。The situation we are facing now is like going upstream.

没有考试学生们会松懈下来。The students tend to fall away when there are no exams.

由于维克多的戒心松懈,杰克将他击倒在地。With Victor’s guard down, Jack knocks him to the floor.

原因常常是疏忽大意和松懈的安全措施。Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures.

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攻读研究生学位时,我在音乐上松懈了下来。I slacked on my music while working on my master's degree.

不过,我们不可停下脚步,松懈下来,期望日后会有更大成就。But we cannot afford to sit idly by and expect future success.

0157号大肠杆菌是一个现实的威胁,我们没有任何松懈的空间。E coli 0157 is a real threat. There is no room for complacency.