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谁人会享受纳税?Who enjoys taxes?

我没有要申报纳税的东西。I have nothing to declare.

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通过纳税,我换取文明。With them I buy civilization.

那是人民的财产,是你们为此纳税的。Thepeople's property. You pay for it.

只有完粮纳税的才配称市民。Only those who pay taxes are citizens.

我们就共同的收入申报了纳税单。We've filed a joint-income tax return.

纳税是每个公民的义务。Paying tax is the duty of every citzen.

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他们用移居国外的方法逃避纳税。They evade paying taxes by living abroad.

他怎么看待那对纳税夫妇呢?What does he think of the taxpaying couple?

最近一年纳税资料影本。Photocopy of tax return for the latest year.

你最好把照相机向海关官员申报纳税。You'd better declare the camera to the official.

第三,企业纳税筹划理论体系落后。Third, the theory of taxes planning is backgound.

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旅游者偷带货物过关不纳税。Tourists slip goods through without paying taxes.

福布斯因为没有纳税而最终入狱。Fobes ended up in prison for not paying his taxes.

他申报了新买的瑞士表并纳税5英镑。He declared his new Swiss watch and had to pay£.5.

他们建议适当的削减中产阶级的纳税。They propose moderate tax cuts for the middle class.

越来越多吃闲饭的警察。我们纳税就是干这个吗?More Garda incompetence. Is this why we pay our taxes?

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非居民企业就其来源于中国境内所得部分纳税。Non-tax residents pay income tax on PRC-source income.

如今我们所要做的只是以纳税的方式支付维修费用。Now all we do is pay maintenance, in the form of taxes.

政府反对对纳税款的任何浪费。The government frowns at any waste of taxpayers' money.