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正象波峰有高潮一样,它也有波谷。And just as each wave has a crest, it also has a trough.

肋手钩纱提出在波峰和波谷。The ribbed crochet raises up peaks and valleys in the yarn.

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线条的长度显示她跑了多远,波峰波谷显示她的速度变化。Its length shows how far she's gone, and the peaks and valleys reflect her speed.

观察对温度尖峰的特写,我们可以看到恰好在尖峰附近有一个明显的波谷。Looking at a close-up of the temperature spike, we see distinct troughs right next to the spike.

波状表面波谷处的残余应力、应变和变形大于波峰处。The maximum Hertzian pressure greatly influences the residual stresses and the residual strains.

我就像骑着一个木塞一样地骑着海浪,我要游入一个波谷,为的知识找到下一个能遮蔽我的海浪。Riding the swell like a cork, I'd sink into a trough, only to find the next wave barreling over me.

反过来又影响了彼此的反射光和入射光的波峰和波谷下降。That, in turn, affects how the crests and troughs of the incident and reflected rays fall on each other.

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几乎在所有的问题上——基因学,能源,对于癌症和阿尔兹海默症的研究——我们都已经达到了波谷。We have hit the trough phase in all sorts of problems — genetics, energy, research into cancer and Alzheimer’s.

当波相撞时,如果它们的波峰和波谷正好一致,那么彼此就会互为增强,生成一个更大的波。When waves collide, if those crests and troughs happen to correspond, they reinforce each other, yielding a larger wave.

火苗的波峰和波谷数目随入射声波的频率改变而有规律的变化。The number of wave crests and wave troughs of the flame varies regularly with the change of frequences of incoming waves.

如果好莱坞主流电影将故事分割成弧,独立电影创造者更倾向于正弦式的故事,每一个波峰都伴随着一个波谷。If mainstream Hollywood cleaves to the story arc, indie creators prefer the story sine wave, with a trough for every peak.

不论我们前面是怎样的随机变量,不论未来有多大的方差,相信波谷过了,波峰还会远吗?No matter how ahead of us is the random variables, no matter how the variance of future, believe the trough, wave be far behind?

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工副业纯收入、组分优势度及效益均呈下降趋势,并在2002年出现波谷。The net income, composition priority and income-expenditure ratio of industry & sideline came down, and the lowest trough happened in 2002.

结果骶髂关节的骨CT值及每个层面的CT值呈一类似于波谷样的分布规律。Result The bone CT values of the sacroiliac joints and the same slide distributes in a curve from the anterior of the joint to the posterior.

对脉动压强的研究结果表明,台阶内的脉动压强从凹角向凸角逐渐增大,脉动压强强度沿程亦呈波浪式发展,即在相邻台阶上交替出现波峰和波谷。The pulsant pressure increases from the nook to the salient in the steps and the along-road distributing of the pulsant pressure is also wavy.

世间任何事物的发展都是波浪式的,有波峰必然有波谷,有波谷必然有波峰。Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and troughs.

摘要提出利用相邻波峰和波谷之间距离估计阻尼比的割线方法。A new damping estimation method, the secant line method, was presented, that is based on the distance of neighbor peaks and valley of oscillation.

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沿坡长方向从坡顶到坡脚土壤含水量和生物量的变化呈波浪状,且生物量波峰基本与土壤水分波谷相对应,这说明较高的植被生产力消耗较多的土壤水分。The soil water content and the plant biomass fluctuate along the slope from the top to its bottom showing that better vegetation consumes more soil water.

推出这权当稍息的港湾,投入广阔无垠的大海生活,去波峰波谷领略人生风景。Push myself out of the snobbish and restful harbor, go to the vast and endless sea to make a living, climb up the sea peak and down the valley to experience life.

物理上看,在一个特定的临界行波速下会形成自发的周期性分离再附流,每个波谷的分离区捕获一个稳定的涡环。Physically, at a special critical wave speed the flow may have a naturally periodical separated-reattached pattern, with each wave trough capturing a stable vortex ring.