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电子衍射产生了。Electron diffraction was born. Electron.

立体,干涉和衍射。Stereoscopy, interference and diffraction.

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时已经观察不到锐钛矿型的衍射峰。Peaks of anatase were not observed at 750℃.

你们都在这里,记得吧,现在说到衍射了。You remember this. Now, this is diffraction.

并通过X射线衍射结果证实了试验结果。It is also approved by the results of the XRD.

这种光束也叫无衍射光束。These beams also called'non-diffracting'beams.

对X射线粉末衍射进行了指标化。X-ray powder diffraction patterns were indexed.

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而且有种X光衍射的技术。And there is a technique known as x-ray diffraction.

对衍射光线可采用同样的论证。Similar considerations apply to the diffracted rays.

在这种情况下,据说,波发生了衍射。In this case the wave is said to have been diffracted.

而传统透镜却不可能突破这个“衍射极限”。No conventional lens can beat that “diffraction limit.”

采用X射线衍射确定薄膜物相。Phase identification is performed by X-ray diffractometry.

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采用扫描电镜和X射线衍射技术对LN5井油管腐蚀掉井原因进行了分析。Failure reason of LN5 well tube was studied with SEM and XRD.

运用红外光谱、X-射线衍射对所制铝交联累托石进行了表征。It is characterized by X-ray Diffraction and infrared spectrum.

电子衍射结果表明薄膜是非晶态的。Electron diffraction results show that these films are amorphous.

光学成像和失常,第二部分。波衍射光学Optical Imaging and Aberrations, Part II. Wave Diffraction Optics

通过X-射线单晶衍射确定了它的晶体结构。Its structure was established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.

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激光衍射也指激光筛滤分析。Laser diffraction also may be referred to as laser sieve analysis.

分析了两束无衍射光的干涉理论。The interference pattern of two non-diffracting beams is analyzed.

通过光纤中的衍射光,这些光栅可以被看作三棱镜。These gratings act as prisms by diffracting light within the fiber.