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他真会打鼾!How he snores!

你丈夫打鼾吗?Does your husband snore?

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但是很快,我们都打鼾了!But soon, we both snored!!

打鼾有那些治疗方法?Stertorous those treat a method?

也可能就仅仅是打鼾而已。It can also be, well, just snoring.

打鼾会影响健康吗?Does stertorous meeting affect health?

由于他打鼾,我一直未睡着。I didn't sleep because of his snoring.

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或是在七个睡眠者的洞中打鼾?Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers' den?

他熟睡时还真的打鼾呢。When he is sawing wood, he really snores.

祝所有打鼾的人,能做个美梦。To all you snorers out there, sweet dreams.

避免饮酒和镇静剂可防止打鼾。Avoid alcohol and sedatives to stop snoring.

我不信,我从来不打鼾的。I don't believe it. I've never snored before.

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“我打鼾了吗?”她不安地询问一个朋友。"Was I snoring?" she anxiously asked a friend.

那边房间有人打鼾声音很大她无法入睡。Loud snores from the other room kept her awake.

这个得了感冒的小孩整晚打鼾。The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.

但医生表示,多数睡眠窒息患者会打鼾。But doctors say most people with sleep apnea do snore.

它和打鼾是由同一块肌肉影响的。Apnoea is caused by the same muscles that cause snoring.

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小舌自然下垂,阻塞呼吸道,引起打鼾。Uvula natural sag, blocking the airway, causing snoring.

他们会放松喉部肌肉,加重打鼾症状。They relax the muscles of the throat, increasing snoring.

打鼾可能是糖尿病或甲状腺机能减退的症状。Snoring can also be a symptom of diabetes or hypothyroidism.