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自养生物开始起哄。The autotrophs began to drool.

群众对演说者起哄。The crowd hooted at the speaker.

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他去他们的会议起哄。He went to heckle at their meetings.

他们起哄把演讲人赶下台。They jeered the speaker off the stage.

观众开始朝客队喝彩起哄。The crowd began to barrack the visiting team.

那天,我听到观众中有人大声吹口哨向我起哄。I heard some of the audience heckle me with loud whistles.

当别人要说话的时候起哄是很无礼的。Heckling is disrespectful to the person wo is trying to talk.

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他的课不再遭到嘲讽和“嘘嘘”的起哄声。No longer were his lectures greeted with sneers and catcalls.

一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.

课堂上如果别的小朋友起哄玩闹的话,你还是要乖乖坐好。Keep to yourself during class if the other kids are fooling around.

这些瞎起哄的青年看到警察来了就迅速溜掉。The unruly youths soon cleared off when they saw the policeman coming.

起哄捣蛋分子因制造骚乱被赶出礼堂。The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.

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看上去我们似乎是在为主队喝彩助威,而对客队却喝倒彩起哄。It seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.

这位年轻的教师竭力让人听清自己的话,可学生们起哄使他讲不下去。The young teacher tried to make himself heard,but the students clamoured him down.

泽青边唱歌、边喝酒,众人起哄时,甚至脱了裤子抗议。Ze qing singing, while drinking, the crowd booing, even took off pants to protest.

他刚开始演讲,一名起哄者就大声地质问他对枪械管制的看法。As he began his speech, a heckler called out asking for his opinion on gun control.

在公共场所起哄闹事,造成公共场所秩序严重混乱的。creating disturbances in a public place, thus causing serious disorder in such place.

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旁边几个男孩子除了迈克以外都跟着起哄。Flank a few man kids in addition to exceed grams to all emulate to build a big rumpus.

我如今穿着火箭的战袍,也许他们会对我起哄,但我不介意。I am now wearing the rocket again, maybe they will say to me, booing , but I do not mind.

在中国起哄在上海大街上叫她“凤姐”或者“凤大姐”,她对自己的智商描述是“前三百年,后三百年,没有人能比得上我。”"I was hated in China and don't wanted to be hated by people here, " Feng told The Post in Chinese.