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植物的嫩芽破土而出。Plants sprout out of the ground.

第一枝嫩芽破土而出。The first bud come out exaltedly.

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一株嫩芽破土而出。A shoot sprouts out from the ground.

当它第一次破土而出时。When it first shoots up out of the earth.

你们的企业如同一棵树苗刚刚破土。And like a little tree growing out of the earth.

花正开始破土而出。The flowers are beginning to peep through the soil.

然后,长出第一根嫩芽,它破土而出,沐浴在空气和阳光中。Then the first shoot appears, pushing up into the air and sun.

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当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。When the world to seed weight, it will break out in their own way.

麦粒刚种下去,一朵美丽的大花就破土而出。Almost before the corn was planted, up shot a large and beautiful flower.

当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。When the world to seed weight, it will use their own methods and sprouting.

莱威公司很高兴宣布一个破土的建立事业促销!LifeWave is pleased to announce a ground-breaking business-building promotion!

会首歌的写作,安排和击鼓就这个光盘是破土。Will's song writing, arrangements and drumming on this CD are ground breaking.

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在一座教堂,钟声为了计划建造的卡特丽娜纪念碑破土典礼上敲响。Bells pealed at a ground breaking for a planned Katrina Memorial at a cemetery.

尤其是草本植物,继续在慢慢地生长,直至在覆有雪的地面上破土而出。Herbs, in particular, continue to grow slowly, often poking up through the snow.

而在夏季一个奇怪的植物,在冬虫的体内生长发育直至破土而出,这就是“夏草”。Instead, a strange growth erupts from their body, appearing above ground in summer.

黄尖竹多丛生,清明时节破土而出。Huang pointed bamboo multi-ridden, Tomb Sweeping Festival is bursting onto the scene.

7月4号,纽约州州长乔治.帕塔奇和纽约市市长米歇尔.布鲁伯格主持了自由大厦的破土仪式,这座写字楼将建在世贸大厦原址上。On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the World Trade Center site.

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一旦种子破土而出,他们就能每天观察幼芽的生长情况。Once the plant has broken above the soil, they can watch the daily growth of the sprouts.

自1998年杰拉德破土而出以来,利物浦青训就没有再也没有打造出一名世界级的球星。Not since Gerrard broke on to the scene in 1998 has Liverpool produced a world-class star.

随着春姑娘轻快的步伐,青青的小草,破土而出,偷偷的从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。With the brisk pace of the spring girl, green grass, staged sneaking out from the soil, the.