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他们是北京的奴隶,栖身于违章建筑,那是不断扩张的北京所要拆除的部分。They are Beijing’s slaves.

我也可能将栖身之所安在树上。I also may take shelter in a tree.

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怀疑犯石柏魁在北京已经栖身了四年。Shi has lived in Beijing for four years.

这些无家可归的人提供了栖身之处。These provide shelters for the homeless.

许多耆老喜欢在村落栖身。Many old people enjoy living in a village.

这条河是食鱼貂的自然栖身地。This river is the natural habitat of fisher.

半壁的世界人口此刻栖身于城通称里!Half the global population now lives in cities!

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这头熊栖身在它的洞里过冬。The bear settled in for the winter in its cave.

许多无家可归的人现在在学校暂时栖身。Many of the displaced are sheltering in schools.

她目前栖身于罗马尼亚的一处难民营。She is recovering at a refugee centre in Romania.

鸟类和野生动物需要树木,作为觅食和栖身之地。Birds and wildlife need trees for food and shelter.

原始部落栖身在亚马逊河盆地。Primitive tribes live in the Amarizonaon River pot.

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您愿意给一位可怜的孩子提供暂时的栖身之地吗?Would you afford a poor child a temporary shelter ?

我已找到了栖身之处,这种事业最适合我。I've found my niche in life. This is the career for me.

她在一家餐厅找了份工作,并找了一间出租屋作为栖身之地。She found a restaurant job and a bed in a rooming house.

我们为孩子们临时拼凑着搭了一个简陋的栖身之处。We rigged up a simple and crude shelter for the children.

公寓的一个单元的产权可以归栖身者自有。A unit in an apartment can also be owned as a condominium.

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不要纵容那些在斜坡上的街灯下栖身,湿着身子的,顽皮的流浪街童。Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

他栖身于里维拉旅馆,纵情于声色,游戏于工作。He holes up in the Hotel Rivera and plays at love and odd jobs.

它就栖身于塞林格满怀欣喜记录下来的那些事物中。It resides in the particular things thathe delighted to record.