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病人很衰弱。The patient is very weak.

他的病使他身体衰弱了。His illness has left him weak.

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攻势已经衰弱。The offensive has slacked off.

你的信号相当弱了,信号衰弱了。Your signal is quite weak QSB?

编篮子这一行已逐渐衰弱。Basket-weaving is a dying trade.

他因癌症缠身而日见衰弱无力。He seems to be dying from cancer.

病常使人衰弱。Sickness often prostrates people.

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这位病人日渐衰弱。The patient grew weaker every day.

最衰弱的更是令人最喜欢的最好。The feeblest and yet the favourite.

她生了病,身体便慢慢地衰弱下去。She became ill and slowly faded away.

发高烧很快使他的身体衰弱下来。An attack of fever soon pulled him down.

久病之后,他的身体衰弱得很。His health slumped after a long illness.

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奥比王的力量现在已经衰弱了。The Force is weak in Obi Wang right now.

那位可怜的老头开始变得衰弱颤抖了。The poor old man is beginning to dodder.

这睡,而是让人不适的衰弱无力。This wasn't sleep but a strange languor.

衰弱症的孩子只是瘦而已。Children with marasmus are simply emaciated.

近来祖母愈益衰弱了。Grandmother has been getting feebler lately.

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她衰弱的身体不易重新获得活力。Her weakened body cannot be easily vitalized.

达拉的作战部队衰弱了11年。For 11 years Daala's fighting forces atrophied.

他们知道路易丝·马拉德的心脏很衰弱。They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart.