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军乐鸣奏,卫兵行礼。Military bands played. Soldiers saluted.

扬声器连续不断地放送军乐节目。The loudspeakers poured forth a continuous programme of martial music.

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广场上的大喇叭不断播送军乐节目。The loud- speakers in the square poured forth a continuous programme of martial music.

代表“木琴”,你所知道的一种乐器,或者当你演奏军乐时你需要用到一架木琴。X is for a xylophone. It's an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play take-tattoo.

他们教声乐,合唱乐,军乐,管弦乐以及民族音乐,比如墨西哥音乐。They teach vocal and choral music, marching-band music, orchestral music, and ethnic music forms such as mariachi.

在为期6天的军乐节上,来自俄罗斯、中国、法国、意大利等10多个国家的军乐队将推出各自的精彩演出。The 6-day festival will attract military bands from more than 10 countries, including Russia, China, France and Italy.

当穆沙拉夫抵达位于拉瓦尔品第的联合参谋总部时,军乐团奏起了军乐和国歌。A military band played martial tunes and the national anthem as Musharraf visited the joint staff headquarters in Rawalpindi.

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今年,爱丁堡军乐节重返悉尼庆祝60岁生日,并邀请了中国军乐团作为主宾国参加演出。The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is held to celebrate its 60th anniversary and invite Chinese military band to perform as a guest of honor.

2010年2月3日,澳大利亚悉尼,爱丁堡军乐节上中国军乐团进行最后一次彩排。Band members from China perform during the last dress rehearsal for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on February 3, 2010 in Sydney, Australia.

另一间房里,有谁拿木梳垫张大便纸吹喇叭,学着电幕上还在播放的曲子奏军乐。In another room someone with a comb and a piece of toilet paper was trying to keep tune with the military music which was still issuing from the telescreen.

如果你有幸拥有一台电视的话,那星期六朝鲜电视屏幕上咆哮着的狗狗战争就是军乐和群众集会唯一的选择。The dogs of war howled from North Koreans television screen Saturday as martial music and mass rallies were the only choice if you were lucky enough to own a TV.

迎接他们的是菲律宾海军军乐队,当时他们演奏这军乐进行曲。S. vessels, the USS Chung-Hoon arrived at a pier in Palawan's capital, Puerto Princesa, on Tuesday morning, greeted by a Philippine Navy band playing marching tunes.

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在欧洲,无疑只有在德国菩提树下大街或法国香榭丽舍大道,而且小王子或小公主经过时,方可见到军乐仪仗队的场面。In Europe, no doubt, you may see in the Unter den Linden Avenue or the Champs Elysées a little prince or princess go past with a chattering military guard to do honour.

然后,当所有乘客安全上了车,军乐般的音乐奏起,站台上的卫兵向列车最后挥手致意,火车慢慢开动了。And then, when all of us were safely on board, there was a blast of martial-style music as the guards on the platform gave a final cheer and a wave and the train slowly pulled away.

时间一秒秒嘀嗒而过,他的意识一片空白,只知道面前放着白纸,脚踝皮肤奇痒,军乐高亢激扬,还有琴酒残留的微晕迷茫。He was conscious of nothing except the blankness of the page in front of him, the itching of the skin above his ankle, the blaring of the music, and a slight booziness caused by the gin.

当地时间5日,俄罗斯军乐节将在莫斯科红场拉开帷幕,在当日的开幕式上,中国嵩山少林寺的武僧们将展示棍法、鞭法等少林功夫。Chinese monks from the Shaolin Temple will perform at the opening ceremony of the international military-musical festival "Spassky Tower" which will kick off on Saturday in Red Square, Moscow.

让士兵们穿着光鲜的制服、在军乐声中行进比让他们在骆驼背上穿越600英里沙漠要来得容易。It is easier to dress soldiers in bright uniforms and have them march to the sound of a fife-and-drum corps than it is to have them ride six hundred miles through the desert on the back of a camel.

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对于莫斯科人来说,他们城市最大的一块儿绿地过去曾是以被管制的苏联时代娱乐场所而闻名,到处都是吃着廉价冰欺凌,听着军乐的工人家庭。For Muscovites, their city’s biggest green space used to be known as a place of regimented Soviet-era fun, full of strolling proletarian families eating cheap ice cream to the sound of military bands.