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在行内逐次增加,在列内逐次递减。It rises up a row. It decreases down the column.

而且在一列内,它逐次递减。And, within a column, it decreases down a column.

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试着逐次延长每次吸烟的间隔时间。Try to gradually extend the period of time between cigarettes.

六、有系统且能逐次提升选手能力。It promotes the ability of fencers systematically and gradually.

一旦突破了这个关口,损失是逐次计算的。Once the barrier is breached, losses are incurred on a one-for-one basis.

那是一步一步逐次去做,从自己的日常生活开始的。It starts from your daily life and needs to be approached to step by step.

水流由北向南逐次前进,首先滋润了北方的河道。The water initially filled river channels in the north before traveling southward.

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这些电容在逐次逼近结构中构成二进制权阵列。These capacitors form binary weight array in successive approximation architecture.

用逐次近似法寻求混合系统的近似解。The iteration method is applied to seek the approximate solution of the hybrid system.

随着SOC的发展,逐次逼近型ADC还作为IP核应用于模数混合芯片中。With the development of the SOC, SAR ADCs have been used as IP cores in mixed-signal chips.

国际社区、便利中心、屺山风景区三大生活休闲载体逐次开花。Here the international community, the convenience center and the Qishan Scenic Spot are mushrooming.

提出了求解非线性互补问题的一个逐次逼近拟牛顿算法。A successive approximation quasi-Newton method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems is proposed.

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基数排序就是这样,先按低位排序,逐次按高位排序,低位相同的元素其顺序再高位也相同时是不会改变的。When they are sorted with a non-stable sort, the 5s may end up in the opposite order in the sorted output.

显然,这种“逐次插入”的解决方案不适合多用户的事务处理系统。Obviously, this kind of "one-by-one insert" solution is not suitable for a multi-user transactional system.

用逐次超松驰迭代法求出了扭转应力函数差分值。Using the successive over-relaxation method, the difference values of the torsion stress function are determined.

针对格拉夫先生的指控已经逐次撤销,因为“没有可信证据”。The charges against Mr Graves were dismissed, per the order, because there was “no credible evidence” against him.

本文给出了一种快速三角元网格逐次细分法,并提出了四边形单元网格的逐次细分法。This paper presents a scheme for gradual subdivision of a triangular mesh and a quadrilateral one is also put forward.

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文章设计了一种逐次逼近动态规划法,可用于求解水电机组的组合问题。In this paper , a DP with successive approximation method is designed for solving the hydropower unit commitment problem.

若要把十进制数转换成二进制数,则可将十进制数逐次减去最大可能的2的幂之值,直至减得之差为0。To convert decimal numbers to binary the decimal number is expressed as the sum of powers 2, until the difference becomes 0.

采用传统的逐次线性化方法迭代求解方程组计算较繁、工作量大,且不易编程。Applying traditional gradual linearization method not only cost heavy and complicated calculation, but caused programming hardly.