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支农政策调整对农业信贷资金运行既是机遇也是挑战。The adjustment is a challenge as well as an opportunity.

中央新增支农资金100亿元。Central finance has added 100 billion fund for agriculture.

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支农资金投入继续增加。We continued to increase funding to support agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

与之相比,现行财政支农支出结构出现了较大的偏差。Compared with such sequence, the current FESA present itself with structural deviation.

本文就是围绕“三农”问题讨论如何调整我国现行的财政支农政策。I believe that one of important steps is to regulate the fiscal policy to support agriculture.

人民银行对农户小额信用贷款缺乏有效督导,支农再贷款政策没有充分落实。The management of the peasant's small credit is not perfect, lacking of corrent concept to it.

培养新型农民是党和政府支农、惠农政策落实到农村的有效载体。Farmers cultivate a new party and the government is supporting agriculture, the benefits in rural areas.

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同时,农信社自身商业化运作与政策性支农的矛盾也较为突出。At the same time, the commercialized running and supportingagriculture of policy considerations contract each other.

随着加入WTO和国内外经济形势的变化,我国财政支农政策的转型是必然的。After China joined WTO, the agriculture of China is faced with the he complex domestic and foreign economic situation.

农村金融改革和支农服务的目标应是建立起一个能满足“三农”发展的金融体系。We should establish a financial system that can meet the development of the agriculture, tile village and the peasantry.

财政收入政策和财政支出政策通过发挥乘数效应达到财政支农和促进农民增收的作用。Financial revenue policy and financial expenditure policy can help the farmers increase their income through the multiplied effect.

一要巩固、完善和加强支农惠农政策。One, we need to consolidate, improve and strengthen the policy of supporting agriculture and giving favorable treatment to farmers.

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第五部分总结库伦旗支农方式对支农效果的影响从而进一步对我国财政支农方式提出建设性建议。Analysis of the current financial support agriculture means the problems and deficiencies, made a number of constructive comments and suggestions.

因此,在现阶段研究如何调整我国财政支农政策,财政支农支出如何着力于解决农民增收,具有较强的现实意义。Therefore, it is of great significance to study how to adjust China's financial policies on agriculture and how FESA help to increase farmers' incomes.

客观条件要求农信社只有提高盈利能力,自身发展壮大了,才能更好履行支农的职责。The job of supporting agriculture will be better done only when RCCs improve its ability of making profits, which is decided by the objective condition.

创新信贷支农机制、体制、监管方式,规范和引导各类信贷资金服务于农业,以提高农业综合生产能力。To improve the comprehensive competence, we should innovate in such areas as credit system, operating system, mode of supervision and standard regulation.

对这种矛盾的解决和促进在环境保护问题上的博弈均衡,构成了财政支农的又一导向。Solving this kind of contradiction and promoting the balance of games on environmental protection constitute another direction of financial support to agriculture.

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落实支农政策,改善农村中小学的办学条件,加强对留守儿童的教育与管理。Secondly, we should carry out countryside-supporting policy to improve the conditions of primary and middle schools and to strengthen their education and management.

二是采用非结构性决策模糊集分析方法确立了地方财政支农资金支出结构。Secondly, the paper structures the local fiscal expenditure system of supporting agriculture by adopting the analysis method of non-structural decision-making fuzzy set.

无论任何人,如那些生产、储蓄或加工在交易所上市支农产品的粮食仓储商、商人、生产商、出口商或加工商等均可获利于套期保值。Hedging can benefit anyone including grain elevator operators, merchandisers, producers, exporters, or process any of the agricultural commodities traded on futures exchanges.