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内格罗蓬特不必单枪匹马地进行斗争。Negroponte won't have to fight alone.

谁也不可能单枪匹马做成这见事的。One cannot have done it single-handed.

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我单枪匹马被围剿,但我打败了他们。I was alone and surrounded and I beat them.

美国不可能单枪匹马拯救世界经济。America cannot rescue the world economy alone.

单枪匹马驶向大西洋需要很大的勇气。It took courage to sail the Atlantic singlehanded.

每天我都尽力证明我可以单枪匹马完成一切Every day I spent trying to prove I could make it alone.

中国单枪匹马地建立起了后美国时代的经济啊。China is single-handedly building post-American world economy.

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在投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马的去干。When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand.

侦察员单枪匹马深入敌后。The scout single-handedly penetrated behind the enemy's rear lines.

但是马尔罗伊需要市场去做她单枪匹马无法做到的事情。But Mulroy needs markets to do all the things she singlehandedly cannot.

我认为,没有任何国家可以单枪匹马地应付这一挑战。There’s no country, I think, who can single-handedly tackle this challenge.

两次单枪匹马深入敌营的结果都是被围剿。Two time thorough hostile camp's results are single-handedly are encircled.

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他战斗,有时甚至是单枪匹马的,为了我们的自由和我们的积蓄而奋斗。He has fought, sometimes single-handedly, for our liberties and for our savings.

无氧耐力还体现在有单枪匹马弥合差距能力的车手身上。AE is also present in the rider who is capable of single-handedly bridging a gap.

有一位受访者单枪匹马去到伦敦赴会,结果发现中方来了三四十个人。One arrived, alone, in London to be faced with 30-40 people from the Chinese side.

阿纳金单枪匹马,在帕尔帕廷的煽动下占据了上风。Anakin continued to hold his own alone, urged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading.

邦德单枪匹马地打败任何坏蛋,拯救世界,以及赢得女性芳心。Bond single-handedly takes on any 'bad guy', saves the world and always gets the girl.

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实行“大学助读计划”以来,埃斯皮拉并非单枪匹马地干。Since it inaugurated the College Retention Program, Aspira has not had to go it alone.

对这两家合资大众来说,可能一加一的结果会小于二,但绝对要比单枪匹马来得给力。As for the 2 VWs, maybe one plus one is less than two, but it is much greater than one.

TED单枪匹马地使得这类思想类访谈节目变成流行现象。The TED Talks program single-handedly popularized the phenomenon of brainy programming.