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舍得花钱去筹到更多的资金。Spend money to raise mone.

他不舍得给他的猫吃食物。He grudged his cat the food it ate.

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赛拉斯才舍得吃一顿烤肉。Silas indulged himself with roast-meat.

谁懂皒多麽罘舍得。Who understands how I am no willing to.

她喜欢的东西,再贵他也舍得买。She likes things, he also buy expensive.

拨乱我心跳的人怎么舍得忘记。Dial my heart how people are willing to forget.

“老实说,”那位外祖父说,“他真舍得干。”"He is getting decidedly wild," said his grandfather.

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我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose.

我的好老爷,你怎么舍得这样糟践自己的新生亲生女儿?Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such way?

本想把那些温暖的故事打包寄走,可是却到底不舍得这馨香的余温。The story of the warm to pack mail, but not to end it sweet.

我们中间舍得花时间在外面闲看天的人太少太少了。Too few of us spend any time outside watching the day go by.

大块面包做成的鳄鱼造型,太酷了,谁还舍得吃涅?Creative alligator shaped bread sculpture is too cool to eat.

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有不花钱的法子,罗还舍得花许多钱哉。She decided to give it a try before spending that much money.

我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。I am a bit too, and habits of the things is not willing to lose.

你舍得让我的男色让其他女人看到吗?Are you willing to give up to let my male color show other women?

这条新闻指出刘亦菲太小气了连一件名牌礼服都不舍得买。The news said she is too thrifty to buy a real famous brand dress.

我愿意在舍得在员工身上投资的公司工作。I like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff.

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她太笨,总是不舍得不原谅完治,而伤心却总是自己背。She did not know which could not bear forgive his, always alone sad.

要舍得戴首饰并爱惜它们,不要等到特殊场合才戴。Wear and love your jewelry and don’t save it for a special occasion.

我一直弄不懂他为什么会舍得放弃他那些宝贵的金币。All the while I was wondering why he had parted with his precious guineas.