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我选择了几个,我认为人的好味道,而且七大工业国评价。I chose a few that I thought were in good taste and are G-Rated.

毛希望他的国家通过“大跃进”一步跨进工业国的行列,不惜任何代价。Mao wanted his society to “leap forward” into the ranks of industrialized nations, at any cost.

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在德国的罗斯托克,反对下周八大工业国高峰会的抗议者聚集,与警方发生冲突。Protesters gather during clashes with police at an anti-G8 demonstration in Rostock June 2, 2007.

该国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。That country is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country.

报告认为,进入工业国市场的成本会降低,从而通过贸易带来巨大收益。The report says the cost of reaching industrial country markets will fall, generating large gains from trade.

总部设在巴黎的经济合作开发组织预测,1994年七大工业国的经济增长率会趋于迟缓。The Paris-based OECD predicted a sluggish rate of growth in 1994 for the G-7 leading industrialized countries.

通过赋予特别贸易优惠,以补救某些损害,工业国会把事情搞得更糟。By granting special trading privileges to remedy some of the harm, industrial countries can make matters worse.

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此外,根据近期的趋势,工业国和发展中国家的收入差距会继续加大。Moreover, based on recent trends, income disparities between industrial and developing countries will continue to grow.

青年失业问题自七十年代末期开始经已成为先进工业国的其中一个重要议程,这现象对香港来说也不例外。Youth employment has become one of the focal concerns of modern industrial countries, where Hong Kong is of no exception.

欧盟官员们去年在出席七大工业国会议时曾向美国施压,要其声明支持美元走强,但却未获成功。EU officials at a G7 meeting last year pressured the U. S. to state its support for a stronger dollar, but with little success.

确实,在像中国这样的新兴工业国的快速成长使得肉类消费大量增加,并且因此导致动物饲料需求增加。It’s true that growth in emerging nations like China leads to rising meat consumption, and hence rising demand for animal feed.

此外,在许多工业国减速的一个普遍的根本因素是投资开支的周期性。In addition, a common factor underlying the slowdown in many industrial countries was the cyclical deceleration in investment spending.

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奥巴马下一站将飞往法国,会见这个主要工业国的领导人,然后到欧洲之旅的最后一站——波兰进行访问。Obama will then travel to France, to meet the heads of leading industrial nations, before ending his European trip with a visit to Poland.

上星期五,7个工业国集团承诺采取联合行动帮助日本,降低日元币值后,股价上扬。They rallied Friday after the G-7 group of industrialized nations pledged joint action to help Japan by pushing down the value of the yen.

G8组织主要工业国傢领袖开始在加拿大举行会谈,全毬经济复苏是主要日程。The leaders of the G8 group of leading industrialized countries have begun talks in Canada with global economic recovery high on the agenda.

不论自民党为建立世界上最强大、最民主之一的工业国做出过多少努力,现在都可以说是过眼云烟了。What good the party did in helping build one of the world's mightiest and most egalitarian industrial nations is now almost ancient history.

在这两个毗邻的北亚科技工业国旷日持久的竞争中,天平已逐渐倾向韩国.In the longstanding rivalry between these two near-neighbor North Asian technology industry heavyweights, the pendulum has swung Korea's way.

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俄罗斯最近对债务采取延期偿付,促使投资者更加“追求质量”,纷纷转向在他们看来比较保险的工业国的债券和股票市场。The Russian debt moratorium provoked investors to "flee to quality" in what they perceived as safer industrial country bond and equity markets.

由于俄罗斯对国际社会经济援助的依赖,他们认为俄罗斯不应该参与制定七大工业国的经济决策。Since Russia depended on the financial support of the international community, they felt it shouldn’t be in on the G-7’s financial decision making.

在金融危机之前,许多经济大国的生产力的增长趋势处于平稳或是放缓状态,即使是在新兴的工业国也是如此。Before the financial crisis hit, the trend in productivity growth was flat or slowing in many rich countries even as it soared in the emerging world.