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这男孩总是问这问那的没完。The boy is for ever asking whys.

没人愿意和说起来没完的人聊天。No man likes to talk with one who spouts off.

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罗森家的朋友戴维真是一个说话没完的人。The Rosens" friend David is a real motor mouth."

这老傢伙真他妈的讨厌!一天到晚抱怨个没完!What a naffing old man! Grumbling day and night.

把没完成的工作文件放在手提箱里或留在办公室里。Keep the paperwork inside a briefcase or your office.

你打算站在那跟自个儿嘟囔个没完是吗?Are you just going to stand there muttering to yourself?

无非就是买了件t恤什么的至于说个没完嘛。That they buy T-shirts for and spout off about endlessly?

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都说不行了。你到底是有完没完?学习去。I had said No way. Will you stop it?Concentrate on your study.

她抱着孩子进到厨房陪着忙于做饭的敏妮坐了下来,但不一会小家伙就哭了起来,她只好抱着她一边在屋里四处游走一边唱歌,但孩子还是哭过没完。She sat with Minnie, in the kitchen, holding the baby until it began to cry.

博拉在中国只要有空就会和太太或者达莲卡通电话,聊起来没完。Nigeria in China as long as they have the time or will be reached and Mrs. Lin cartoon phone chat up finish.

凯瑟琳,别老这么咳个没完!思量一下我的神经,都被你撕得四分五裂了。Don't keep coughing so, Kitty, for heaven's sake! Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces.

他使用最冗长的词句,罗罗嗦嗦地纠缠不清,动不动就丢下一个没完成的句子。He used the longest words and, getting entangled in his own verbosity, was obliged to leave his sentence unfinished.

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联盟也会严惩助理教练,他们有时好像半场比赛都站着向裁判唠叨过没完。The league is also cracking down on assistant coaches, who sometimes seem to spend half the game standing and jawing at referees.

唯一的解决办法是随便做点什么,但这只是你对于任务没完成的小小安慰而已。The only real solution is to do something, anything, but that’s small consolation when a project is taunting you with its unfinishedness.

除非这些人交回两倍于他们收到的薪金,花一周时间示众,否则这事没完。Even if all these people gave back double the amount they received and spent the week in the public pillory , it wouldn't fix the problem.

最后一件事,我还没准备好灵魂的称量。在我去见死神阿努比斯前,我还有一些没完成的事要做。帮帮我。One last thing, I'm still not ready for that soul weighing malarkey. I have some unfinished business before I hokey cokey with Anubis. Help me.

你们可以种植一个公用的花园,组成一个小组,每星期见一次面去完成那些没完成的指标——手工活,缝纫,编制以及木工活。You could plant a communal garden together, or meet once a week to complete unfinished projects–such as crafts, sewing, knitting, or woodworking– as a group.

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最终我们的确已经,交换了那些值,但是还没完,因为下一步还要发生一些事情。And so now at the end of the story we have, indeed, swapped the values, but the story isn't quite complete because there's still something that's going to happen next.

联盟也会严惩助理教练,他们有时好像半场比赛都站着向裁判唠叨过没完。联盟想要他们坐好别动。The league is also cracking down on assistant coaches, who sometimes seem to spend half the game standing and jawing at referees. The league wants them to stay seated.