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如何提高皮肤的免疫力?How to enhance cutaneous immunity power?

全面提升爱宠免疫力。All-round lifting love bestows favor on immunity.

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他们已经种痘,对天花有免疫力。They are immune from smallpox due to vaccination.

我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

由于种了牛痘我们对天花有免疫力。We are immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

我刚生完宝宝,所以我的身体比较虚弱免疫力比较低。I just had a baby, so sometimes my energy level is down.

如果一种与H5N1类似的病毒出现没有人具有免疫力。No one will have immunity should an H5N1-like virus emerge.

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松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties.

维他命C配糖体,持久保湿,加强肌肤免疫力。Vitamin C glucoside lasting moisture strengthen skin immunity.

产品具有抗疲劳和调节免疫力的功能。This Product has the functions of antifatigue and adjusting immune.

DNA简单又不会产生抗载体免疫力的问题。DNA is simple and does not have the problem of anti-vector immunity.

净化皮肤,改善癣、香港脚、头皮屑,抗感冒、抗菌,增强免疫力。Enhance immunity ability, resist cold and germs. Amend dandruff and.

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自然免疫力与疫苗激发免疫力的区别?What is the Difference Between Natural and Vaccine-Induced Immunity?

长期的精神紧张与抑郁和免疫力低下有关。Chronic stress is associated with depression and suppressed immunity.

还是说美国杀人犯对这类威胁有特别的免疫力?Or is it that American murderers are uniquely immune to such threats?

那麽是什麽原因使它能够引发体内对癌症产生的免疫力呢?What, then, was the basis of its ability to immunize against cancers?

母源性免疫即母体传递给子代的免疫力。Maternal immunity is the immunity transferred from mother to offspring.

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儿童免疫力较弱,所以更易受沙尘威胁。Children are especially vulnerable because they have weaker immune systems.

舒经活血,镇痛强身,提高免疫力。Accelerate circulation of blood, restrain pain of body and improve immunity.

这些射线会使白血球减少,降低人体的抵抗力和免疫力。These irradiations may cause the leukopenia, reduce the human body immunity.