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没有爱人的聪慧心要如何跳动呢?。Or doth it beat Without love's smart?

他们更聪慧,更聪明。They're more intelligent. They're smarter.

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她有一双大大的眼睛,透露着聪慧与贤淑。She has a pair of big eyes, a wise and virtuous.

虔诚的信仰。这是指向善良和聪慧的罗盘。Faithful religion. The guide to kindness and wisdom.

我是否聪慧、愚蠢、美貌、丑陋、热情、冷漠?Was I clever, stupid, good-looking, ugly, passionate, cold?

大象是聪慧的社会性动物。Cynthia Graber reports. Elephants are smart, social animals.

兰迪聪慧,迷人,卡内基毕业的计算机学教授。Randy the brilliant, charming, Carnegie educated CS professor.

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聪明人把聪慧用在垂直的广告装寘上。The wise man used his acumen in the vertical acquaintment device.

书本搜罗了人类个人糊心经历、知识战聪慧。Books contain the collective human experiences, knowledge and wisdom.

他们大概比任何人皆果断天要拔擢一个更聪慧的天下。They, perhaps more than others, are determined to build a wiser world.

主人公爱玛是个美丽、聪慧而富有的姑娘,同时也是一位不折不扣的幻想家。Heroine Emma is a beautiful, intelligent and rich girl, is also a visionary.

苏佐是一个美丽聪慧的女孩,她与父亲陷入不伦之恋。Suzon is a beautiful and clever girl, who has a love affair with her father.

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她们可以是普通的衣着,不施脂粉,但目光聪慧,笑容甜美。They can be ordinary clothes, not painting, but the look smart, sweet smile.

结果我们得知,客人是一位一神教的牧师,她可爱,体贴而聪慧。Our guest turned out to be a lovely, thoughtful and smart Unitarian minister.

我们当然想让人们看到界面,注意到我们的能力和聪慧之处。Yes we want people to see the interface or remark on our skills or cleverness.

你可以学新东西,但是你无法改变你的聪慧程度。You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are.

除了从事人道工作以外,麦凯恩夫人也是一位聪慧的女商人。In addition to her humanitarian work, Mrs. McCain is also a savvy businesswoman.

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她整洁、彬彬有礼、敏感、聪慧、对陌生人友好。She was immaculate, well-mannered, sensitive, intelligent, and kind to strangers.

美貌、聪慧、一流大学的学生,有抱负的演员或模特。Beautiful, intelligent, and classy college students, aspiring actresses or models.

但是要说到点上,那样你看起来就会是坚定,有威信和聪慧的。But get right to the point, and you’ll look poised, authoritative, and intelligent.