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好多的电脑公司星罗棋布于内湖到新竹的通道。Dozens more companies dot the Neihu-Hsinchu corridor.

中国的河流湖泊星罗棋布,游泳健儿辈出。With abundant rivers and lakes, China boasts many good swimmers.

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它不能再依赖星罗棋布的关系网或一次简单的银行转帐来实现。It can no longer rely on a thick Rolodex and a simple bank transfer.

是番红花,在屋前草坪上星罗棋布到处都是。They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn.

中国沿海岛屿星罗棋布。Islands are scattered all along China's coastline like stars in the sky.

在一些地方,森林被开垦成为浅绿色的农田,星罗棋布。In places, the forest has been replaced with spots of bright green farm land.

另外,对于零售店面,即便是星罗棋布的销售网点,也是能够建立起来的。Additional retail locations, even of the "pop up" variety, can be established.

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中国的青海省是一块高海拔、干旱、赤裸的大陆,星罗棋布地点缀着一些稀疏的植被。China’s Qinghai Province is high, dry, and barely dotted by sparse vegetation.

近观鸟岛上万千白鹭翱翔天空,湖面上岛屿星罗棋布。Nearly bird island Millions egrets flying sky on the island north of the lake.

在那污秽的半明半暗的街道上方,在黑魆魆的屋顶上方,伸展着昏暗的星罗棋布的天空。Over the dirty, half-dark streets, over the black roofs was a dark, starlit sky.

它们似乎被一只无形的手用隐秘的线编织起来,终至星罗棋布。It looks as if they are woven into a starry, glistening fabric by an invisible hand.

南安襟山带海,风光秀丽,名胜古迹星罗棋布。Nam breasted mountain with the sea, beautiful scenery, monuments are spread all over.

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而在湖的南边,湖面则较宽阔,湖水浅,树林覆盖的小岛星罗棋布。But to the south the lake becomes broader, shallow, and is dotted with wooded islands.

欧洲世界文化遗产星罗棋布,各有千秋。The world cultural heritages of Europe spread all over the place and have their characteristics.

星罗棋布的湖泊,或碧波荡漾,或干涸凝固,意态万千。Lakes are all over , either the ocean waves ripple, either dry coagulation, attitude great amount.

在极其短暂的夏季,相对平坦的地面上点缀着星罗棋布的浅水湖。The relatively flat landscape is dotted with shallow lakes during the extremely brief summer season

当时,有着数百年历史的美国印第安人土坯房和印第安人村落在那一地区星罗棋布。Adobe buildings and pueblos built by American Indians hundreds of years earlier dotted the landscape.

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在松林中闪烁的飓风灯射出的流光形成星罗棋布的天空的一幕。Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky.

岛上湖泊星罗棋布,其中大部分南岛湖泊坐落在风景秀丽的群山之中。Numerous lakes excit in both islands with the major south island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery.

沿途,尼罗河上岛屿星罗棋布,位于开罗中心的格吉拉岛就是其中之一。Along the way the Nile is dotted with islands, including El Gezirah, located in Egyptian capital's centre.