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到了下午3时左右,显然还需要多下工夫。By midafternoon, it’s clear that more is needed.

老师要求学生在必修课上多下工夫。The teacher asked his students to labour at obligatory courses.

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语言学的快也好慢也好,是要下工夫的。Whether the language is leamt quickly or slow-ly, it is hard work.

近年来,我园在水墨画方面下工夫,现已初具特色。In recent years, I do park in the ink area, now in its characteristics.

不下工夫就能学会外语是不可能的。It's impossible to learn a foreign language without working hard at it.

为了达到高良率,工程师必须对各式各样的细节下工夫。To achieve high yields, engineers must attend to a multitude of details.

吴京表示,对于自己执导的首部电影,他非常下工夫。Wujing indicated that directs the first movie regarding oneself, he works hard.

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这就需要在大学语文的教材编写和教学方法研究两方面下工夫。The system of a textbook is the core of the research and compilation for textbook.

因此,中国学生学习韩国语应在附属词的理解运用上狠下工夫。Therefore, Chinese students who are learning Korean must take care of the word used in the adverbs.

有些雇员从来不下工夫去弄清楚要求他们去从事的实际任务。Some employees hxdye never taken the trouble to find out the actual tasks they will be required to do.

然后设置配色方案和设计主题,最后在那些细节处下工夫。Then you settle on a color scheme and a design theme, and work towards the smaller details from there.

我很满意今天用排位胎做出的时间,但是我们需要在使用比赛胎的配速方面再下工夫。I'm very happy with today's lap time with the qualifying tyre, but we need to improve the pace with race tyres.

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因此,发挥全员的智慧,下工夫使大家'都能用、都好用'是实施目视管理的重要之所在。Therefore, to play full of wisdom, do so that we can use, ' good ' is to carry out the importance of visual management.

如果你想得到更好的成绩,你就能得到。是的,即便是智力一般的学生无需多下工夫也能成为尖子生。You can receive better grades if you want to. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work.

但是光参与是不够的,还要在增强农业国际竞争力上去下工夫。But it is insufficient that light is participated in, enhancing agricultural international competition ability to go up even concentrate one's efforts.

若下工夫的话,我就能解释这个象征,破译这个代号,兑换这张支票,恢复地图的本来面貌——它所代表的壮丽山河。If I tried hard enough, I would be able to decipher the symbol, break the code, cash the cheque and restore the map to the majestic lands that it represented.

现在我已经三十岁,我是个作家并且公开演说,因此这证明如果你决心下工夫,你一定能克服任何困难。Now, at the age of thirty, I am a published author and a public speaker. So, it goes to show that if you put your mind to something, you can overcome anything!

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尽管世界上一些更为静态社会偶尔下工夫努力控制信息技术,但是近年来信息技术已经是非常地繁荣了。Despite occasional efforts on the part of the world's more static societies to try to control the use of information technology, it has blossomed in recent years.

雷克萨斯当下可能更应该在自己最擅长的事情上下工夫——也就是质量、可靠性和客户服务,同时祈祷它与顾客的情感联系能够水到渠成。Lexus may just have to focus on what it does best -- quality, reliability, customer service -- and hope that its strong connection with its customers comes along that way.

对一般作为不可燃垃圾而扔掉的破损陶瓷器,日本各地陶瓷厂家也不惜下工夫研究其利用方法。In general as non-burnable garbage and throw away the broken pottery, ceramic manufacturers throughout Japan will not hesitate to make an effort to study the use of methods.