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强制这个剪辑到单声道?Force this clip to mono?

创艺盒子作品片段剪辑。A clip of Kinetobox's works.

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剪辑ta喜欢的卡通画Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.

让你的剪辑敏锐而节奏快。Keep your editing sharp and pacey.

剪辑褶皱的、船形的、品质一流的袜子。A clip drape ship-shape tip-top sock.

这是一个奇怪的鲍勃赛普剪辑确实。That was a strange Bob Sapp clip indeed.

非常棒的效果及完美的剪辑。Very well executed and perfectly edited.

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我是所谓的剪辑指导。I am something called continuity supervisor.

这部影片应剔除糟粕,重新进行剪辑。The film is to be cleaned up and re- edited.

这部影片的剪辑将在电视上播映。Clips from the movie will be presented on video.

影片剪辑,按钮和翻转,输出功能。Movieclip-Button with rollover and out function.

剪辑区域左上方点的X坐标。The clipping region top-left point X-coordinate.

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最开始的三段剪辑是在外景地拍摄的。The first three clips were recorded on location.

那盘录音带太长,你得把它剪辑一下。You will have to edit that tape — it's too long.

这些破坏都是后期剪辑的原因。Resulting from the cutting, from the destruction.

剪辑是由用户摘录,并且由主持人来核准。Clips are picked by users and approved by moderators.

我如何在舞台上添加动画剪辑而使用的空气?How do I add MovieClips to the stage while using AIR?

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快速加载、组织和裁剪标清或高清视频剪辑。Quickly load, organize and trim SD or HD video clips.

剪辑版的短片也将在电影院上映。An edited version will also be played in movie theaters.

如果你是个被虐待狂,你可以上youtube循环播放视频剪辑。If you are a masochist, you can troll YouTube for clips.