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取消租赁。Lease cancellation.

他被取消比赛资格了!He was disqualified.

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取消选中此复选框。De-select this checkbox.

取消正在运行的流。Canceling a running flow.

我需要为我的取消付款吗?Must I pay for my cancel?

用户按了“取消”按钮。Press DVOM button on DRB.

单击此处可取消回复。Click here to cancel reply.

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请取消选定一些区域。Please unselect some areas.

大会因雨而取消。The meeting was rained off.

他取消我们的许多特许状。For taking away our Charters.

否则,它们会被取消。Otherwise, they are canceled.

请取消我白勺卡号。Please cancel my card number.

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最后一场比赛因雨取消了。The last game was rained out.

我们什么时候取消顶自卸车。We going to remove top dumper.

因此,请取消选中此选项。Therefore, uncheck this option.

他们取消了协议。They disannulled the agreement.

一个家在取消抵押品赎回权,它而成。A home in foreclosure, and done.

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她取消了巴黎之行。She cancelled her trip to Paris.

告诉她整件事己经取消了。Tell her the whole thing is off.

这项检疫措施现已取消。The quarantine is now abolished.