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我的确还记得当时的情景。I do remember.

我想问的是,当时是何种情景?I mean how did it go?

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这是怎样的情景呢?What does this look like?

图为黎明晨练情景。Morning exercises at dawn.

他的思绪深深地陷在其他情景之中。He was deep in other scenes.

他向我描述了那个情景。He described the scene to me.

男孩看到那情景而畏缩。The boy quailed at the sight.

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你认为情景喜剧怎么样?。What do you think of sitcoms?

办公室或学校情景模拟游戏.Play school or office together.

再设想一组情景。Consider another fictive scenario.

我无法想像出这样的情景。I can hardly imagine such a scene.

她看到那可怕的情景直打嗦。She throbbed at the dreadful sight.

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这是一个很似是而非的情景。This is a very plausible situation.

这情景使我想起那段快乐的时日。Tue sight reminded me of happy day.

我永远不会忘记晋见女王的情景。I'll never forget meeting the Queen.

那情景使我心寒。The sight sends a chill to my heart.

让学生扮演动物来说说演演,在情景中操练。Ask students to say and act in pairs.

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关于这一情景他们有录像记录。And actually there is a video of this.

他深为这一悲伤的情景所感动。He was much affected at the sad sight.

此情景勾起了我对童年的回忆。The scene reminded me of my childhood.