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人贵有自知之明。It is valuable to know oneself.

然而,要有自知之明是困难的。Self-knowledge is hard, though.

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人贵有自知之明。A wise man knows his own limitations.

若有自知之明方能自制。Self-knowledge is a preface to self-control.

所以这个职业只能靠自知之明来选择。So this profession should be chosen only consciously.

当您越过这一范围时,我们认为您也会有自知之明。And we think that you will also know it when you cross it.

我们由衷地钦佩他的认真和有自知之明的讽刺艺术。We would admire both his earnestness and his self-aware irony.

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要是我自己的孩子果真蠢,我决不愿意没有自知之明。If my children are silly I must hope to be always sensible of it.

它降低了自知之明,消磨了自制力,让人变得放纵。It erodes self-awareness and self-restraint, and fosters self-indulgence.

我们和年轻自己20岁的人结婚时,我们有“我看上去很白痴”的自知之明。If we marry someone 20 years younger, we're aware that we look like an idiot.

我们把这些话引进自己的著作,表示对他们的敬意,也提醒自己有自知之明。We invite these words into our books as a homage for reminding us of who we are.

我很有自知之明地知道,男性都善于音乐,因为他们喜欢音乐多余演讲。It is a very true truism that men are good at music because they prefer it to speech.

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问问为何你做这项工作并不意味着你对它不满意,而是自知之明。Asking yourself why you do your job doesn't mean you're dissatisfied, just self-aware.

很明显,尽管具有自知之明是件好事,但过度自谦是有害的。It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, over-doing it is harmful.

我认为圣经隐喻就是,人类必须有自知之明,谦虚谨慎,不要企图成为神灵Man, the message I think is,must know his place, which is humble and not close to divine.

闻听溢美之词感到羞愧的人最有自知之明。He who is ashamed when hearing others singing his praise is a person who is of self-knowledge.

人们都认为我聪明,假如智者有自知之明,我早就该预见到这一切了。Men call me wise. If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this.

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至于说成为新生代的奥黛丽·赫本,穆里根说她很有自知之明,她只是想做回她自己——一个真正的演员。Mulligan says she knows where she is right now and she just wants to be herself—a real actress.

到美国来之前,杰拉尔德没有受过多少教育,可是他对此并不怎么有自知之明。If the educational equipment which Gerald brought to America was scant , he did not even know it.

智慧的人却不会,即使他并不聪明,却有着强烈的自知之明与明辨事非的准则。Even if he is not clever, he knows himself well and makes a clear distinction between right and wrong.