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铁合金工业。Iron Alloy Industry.

炼铝工业。The aluminum industry.

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我喜欢学工业管理。I like industrial management.

贪婪是工业的兴奋剂。Avarice, the spur of industry.

他在工业学校上学。He attends a technical school.

我十分高兴你们参加加拿大工业展会的开幕式。Canadian Industrial Exhibition.

富阳市高桥镇工业功能区。Industry functional Area Gao Qia.

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金属广泛地应用在工业上。Metal are widely used in industry.

人们改变工作和工业。People change jobs and industries.

这对美国工业来说是很糟糕的。This could be bad for US industry.

他在航天工业部门工作。He works in the aerospace industry.

金属广泛地应用在工业上。Metals are widely used in industry.

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工业贸易署辖下设有七个部门。The department has seven divisions.

所谓的新生工业是永远长不大的。The so-called infants never grow up.

大办工业的规划告吹了。The big industrial plan was scuttled.

中国长城工业公司。China great wall industry corporation.

塑料工业现在发展得很快。The plastics industry is growing fast.

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钢铁工业被解除国有化了。The steel industry was denationalized.

然后我们应用工业母模。Then we apply industrial mother molds.

重庆望江工业有限公司?。Chongqing Wangjiang Industry Co. , Ltd.