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它还包括与水圈的交互。It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.

实践中,水圈、火圈往往相伴而生。In practice, fire cylce often occurred with water cycle.

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大气圈、水圈、生物圈和地圈的整体及其相互作用。The totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

把大气圈和水圈中的物质加进这10英里岩带的物质中。The materials in the atmosphere and hydrosphere are added to those of the10-mile zone.

中国大陆水圈是地球水圈的重要组成部分。The China continental hydrosphere is an important component part of global hydrosphere.

水分和盐份的数据可以让科学家对地球的水圈的理解更深一层。Moisture and salinity data can improve scientists’ understanding of Earth’s water cycle.

科学范畴包括大气、海洋、陆面、冰圈、水圈和生态系统等各个过程。The scientific scope includes atmosphere, ocean, land-surface, cryosphere, hydrosphere and ecosystem processes.

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地球表层系统是由岩石圈、大气圈、水圈和生物圈相互耦合和变化组成的复杂巨系统。The Earth Surface System is a complicated system which includes geosphere , atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

自从生命出现以来,生物便不断一而再再而三的改造大气圈、水圈、冰圈及固体地球。Since life began it has continually shaped and re-shaped the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and the solid earth.

早元古代的大气圈、水圈与晚太古代相似,仍为缺氧性质。The early Proterozoic atmosphere and hydrosphere are similar to those of Archaeozoic in being still absent in oxygen.

生态系统中的水圈、气圈、土石圈、生物圈、能量圈也呈动态平衡。The hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and energy circle in an ecosystem are also in a dynamic balance.

本文简要介绍作者新创立的生态地质学理论,并应用这一理论对大巴山区的岩石圈、生物圈、大气圈、土壤圈和水圈的生态地质环境作综合评价。Land ecological planning and design is the focus of land ecology, and the study on its theory, method and practice has to be deepened.

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巴卡拉研究全球规模的生物圈、大气圈及水圈的交互作用,特别是碳循环方面。Pacala investigates the interaction of the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere on global scales, with an emphasis on the carbon cycle.

水流的喷射很难观察到,但这些喷射可以产生和烟圈相似的水圈或漩涡,很容易被侦测到。The jets of water are hard to see, but these jets create rings or vortices of water that resemble smoke rings and can be readily detected.

地球是一个多圈层的旋转系统,主要由大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、地幔、外核以及内核组成。The earth is a multi-layered rotating system, which is mainly made up of aerosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, mantle, outer core and inner core.

大曲的火圈是美拉德反应的产物,水圈是培养后期由于掉温而产生。The fire cycle of Xifeng Daqu was the outcome of Mailard reaction and the water cycle was produced in the late culture stage by temperature drop.

可以把生命活动看成是岩石圈、大气圈、水圈及生物圈之间的一种复杂的相互作用。Life could be seen as a complex interaction of lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere and its genesis is reviewed in different hypotheses.

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自此以后,长江、黄河及滦河与全球海洋水圈变化引起的海侵发生了复杂的陆海相互作用。Since then there has occurred complex land sea interaction between the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Luanhe River and transgressions caused by the eustatic changes.

地球表层的岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈相互作用,相互影响,其中任何一个圈层发生巨变,必将作用和影响其它圈层。The lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere on the surface of the earth interact each other. Each of them have a big change will surely affect the others.

人类与环境之间的能量传递、物质交换,是以地球表层为依托、以大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈和智能圈相互耦合。The coupling between people and environment form a huge system of dissipative structure consistz of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and intellisphere.