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我可以不值夜。I am excused night duty.

那人的喊叫声惊醒了镇上的值夜人。The man's cry aroused the town watch.

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“放松点,”值夜的说到,“我们都轻易受诱惑。"Relax"said the night-man" We are programmed to receive.

“置松点,”值夜的说到,“我们部署恶了接受。Relax", said the night-man, " We are programmed to receive.

狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall.

“放松点,”值夜的说到,“咱们摆设好了接收。"Relax", said the night-man, " We are programmed to receive.

如玉今晚不值夜,难得有了休息的空闲。If jade tonight unworthy night, seldom had the reproductive cycle of rest.

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开始的时候我们并不认为夜间从船舱里走出来值夜是一件有趣的事情。To move from the cabin of our raft for a night-time watch is initially displeasing.

就在他要离开公司去飞机场时,他碰上了当晚值班的值夜人。He was leaving for the airport when he met the night watchman who had been on duty that every evening.

小偷知道值夜人什么时候会来。当值夜人走后不会有什么危险时,他们偷了保险箱里的钱财。The thieves knew when the night watchman would pass. When he had gone, and the coast was clear, they robbed the safe.

值夜人拦住了他,跟他说那晚他作了个梦,梦见老板乘坐的飞机刚刚起飞说爆炸了。The latter stopped the owner and told him that he had dreamed that night of his employer's plane exploding after takeoff.

一天凌晨四点,一名西装革履的人敲响了门并给值夜的比利40000镑的钞票,让他们离开这座宅邸。One morning at 4 o'clock, a man in a suit knocked on the door and offered Billy, who was keeping watch at the time, 40,000 pounds to vacate the house.

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但凡沈氏心情不太妙的时候,总是喜欢将锦绣留下来值夜。这是院子里不成文的惯例了。But anybody surname the time that mood isn't that excellent, always favor and linger rich brocade night-watch. This was unspoken usual train in the yard.

江志新和父亲晚上轮流值夜守护爷爷,导致他严重缺觉,在工厂上班的时候差点导致重大事故,但他的头也磕破了。Jiang Zhixin and father night night guard grandpa, in turn, led to his serious lack of sleep to work in a factory and was almost lead to major accidents, but his head is broken.