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某些国家当局憎恨联合国科教文组织的干预。Some national authorities resent UNESCO's meddling.

武昌是科教中心。Wuchang is the center for technology and education.

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1987年,联合国科教文组织将它选为世界遗产。It was designated a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1987.

但是,我国科教传播的现状还难以令人满意。However, science communication in our country can be better.

毫无疑问,联合国科教文组织能发挥积极的影响。There is no question that UNESCO can exert a positive influence.

科教付与我们节制环境把握运气的才气。Science offers us total mastery over environment and over our destiny.

以镜厅而出名的凡尔赛宫殿被列入联合国科教文组织世界遗产景点。The palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is famous for its Hall of Mirrors.

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中国自告奋勇的科教界打假人士昨天下午在北京遭到歹徒袭击。China's self-appointed science fraud buster was assaulted yesterday afternoon in Beijing.

此段长城被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产之一。Up to now, Simatai Great Wall has been listed by UNESCO into the World Culture Heritages.

陕西科教实力雄厚,高素质和实用型人才富集。Shaanxi has powerful education of science strength, with high-quality and practical talents.

生产故事影片100部,科教、纪录、美术片69部。China produced 100 feature movies and 69 scientific, educational, documentary or cartoon films.

广电总局鼓励这些频道增加新闻、科教和纪录片节目。The regulator encouraged the channels to add news and educational fare as well as documentaries.

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作者还讨论了制定科教兴医行动方案的成功关键因素。In the paper, the authors also discussed the key successful factors for formulating the action plan.

布达拉宫现在是中国的一座国家博物馆,已被联合国科教文组织列入世界遗产名单。The palace is now a state museum of China, and has been given a place on the Unesco World Heritage list.

酒店坐落于深圳科教基地大学城,毗邻深圳市野生动物园、麒麟山庄,紧靠地铁5号线大学城出口。It is adjacent to the Shenzhen Safari Park, Kylin Villa, close to the Metro Line No. 5 University City exit.

全年生产故事影片406部,科教、纪录、动画和特种影片73部。The country produced 406 feature movies and 73 science, educational, documentary, cartoon and special movies.

威纳尔斯山谷,旁边山脉连绵,分布着露出地面的巨大岩石,是联合国科教文组织世界遗址之一。The Vinales valley, ringed by mountains and dotted with huge rock outcroppings, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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现在的乡镇农村最缺少农业科教与推广影视资料,而农民最需要农业方面的科教片。The villages now are very lack of expansion movie, but the farmers are in great need of the movie of agriculture.

他们也期盼能够看到一些传授新知识的科教、生活类节目,以便他们可以将这些知识运用到生活与工作中去。They also whish for science and lifestyle programs that impart new knowledge that they could apply in life and work.

它承诺提供科教类节目来丰富观众的生活,并寓教于乐。It promised to bring educational and scientific programming designed to elevate our lives with the light of knowledge.