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这个谜洞对我来说深不可测、漆黑一团。It was just a deep, dark puzzle to me.

省级行政管理同样也是漆黑一团。Provincial administration was equally black spot.

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他们的计划在我心中还是漆黑一团。I am completely in the dark concerning their plans.

早上从德拉姆客栈出发时,四周还是漆黑一团。It was still pitch-dark when I started off from Delamu Inn.

突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black.

它又冷又硬,在他漆黑一团的宇宙中它什么也不象。It was cold and hard, and like nothing else in his black universe.

这朵花儿躺在里面,四周是漆黑一团,它正如躺在花球根里的时候一样。It was dark around her, dark as in those days when she lay hidden in the bulb.

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她的灵魂原来漆黑一团,犹如黑夜,如今却象新下的雪一样洁白。Her soul, which was black as night , is now pure and white like the new-fallen snow.

屋内漆黑一团,但凭我的第六感觉,我断定这屋子里一定有人。It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room.

蜡烛只有半英寸高时慢慢熄灭了,房间内变成漆黑一团。When the candle was only half an inch high, it puttered out and the room became dark.

由于大面积断电,医院的大多数地方都漆黑一团。Huge swaths of the capital remained in darkness as a result of widespread power failures.

“过去”因悲哀和失望而漆黑一团,“将来”却被成功的希望与欢乐照亮。The one is dark with sorrow and disappointment, the other bright with prosperity and joy.

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房门在他背后砰地关上,房间里再一次漆黑一团,两个姑娘倒能够重新自由呼吸了。The door closed behind him, the room was once more totally dark, and the two girls could breathe freely again.

在火把的光照下,我们看到漆黑一团的监狱船正停在离满布泥泞的岸边不远之处,好像是一艘邪恶的挪亚方舟。By the light of torches, we was the black Hulk lying out a little way from the mud of the shore, like a wicked Noah's ark.