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他们正在把番茄秧移栽到地里。They are bedding out the tomatoes.

移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

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移栽采用蛭石作为苗床基质。Vermiculite is the best plantlet substrate.

我们将把这些花儿移栽到花园里。We'll transplant the flowers to the garden.

他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。He transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil.

罗伯特把那株牡丹移栽到一个较大的花盆里。Robert transplanted the peony into a larger pot.

一般来讲,春天时应该把灌木移栽一下。Generally, trees should be repotted in the spring.

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水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想的一种水稻移栽机械。It will be an ideal rice transplanting machine at present.

移栽时幼苗的根部要尽量多带些土壤。Take out as much of the soil as you can with the seedlings.

设计了一种适用于多规格穴盘苗移栽的移栽机。A transplanter applied to multi-spec potted trays was designed.

方法采用扦插、带根移栽和种子繁殖方法。Mazz. Methods Multiplication through cuttage, transplant and seed.

试管苗移栽到砂壤土上成活率较高。The survival ratio after transplantation into sand soil is higher.

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为了避免损害根部,移栽时底部不要埋得过深。Transplant the plant not too deep in substrate. Avoid root damage.

小苗移栽是实验的又一关键环节。Transplanting of young plants was critical to the whole experiment.

采用基质移栽,成活率较高。In the groundmass transplantation way, the survival rate was higher.

而试管苗出瓶移栽的最佳基质为树皮块,其次为椰壳糠。The best transplanting medium was cortex. The better was coconut bran.

但到了移栽的第三年,密度与分蘖及产量的变化出现不一致。But in the third year, the change of density and tillers was different.

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此类苗移栽后,缓苗快,成苗率高。After transplant seedling survival quickly, survival rate was very high.

空气湿度过高或过低都容易使移栽苗萎蔫。Higher or lower air humidity is prone to make transplanted plants wither.

对9个小白菜品种夏季育苗移栽后的生长情况和馅用特性进行了研究。The experiment on comparison of 9 pakchoi varieties was carried out in summer.