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还没有,但是我看过电影.Not yet,but I saw the movie.

你们读过电影的原著吗?。Q. Had you guys read the books?

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现在是一名工厂主管的史密斯说,“当我们再次相见,就像过电影一样。When we met again it was like a film.

我既没有看过电影预告片,也没有读过任何影评。I hadn't seen any previews, nor had I read any reviews.

我都记不清楚究竟有多久没看过电影了。I haven' t been to a cinema for I don ' t know how long.

自从我拥有了这台电视机,我就没有去电影院看过电影。I haven't been to the cinema ever since I owned the TV set.

不,我没看过书的。但是我看过电影。你看完之后可以借给我吗?No, not that one. But I saw the movie. Could I borrow it when you finished?

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现在是一名工厂主管的史密斯说,“当我们再次相见,就像过电影一样。", said Smith, a factory supervisor. " When we met again it was like a film.

不过电影研究,一直以来也无人问津,电影研究的热潮也就是最近几十年的事情。But in the case of film studies, that was also a taboo subject until recently.

好莱坞曾经用这款工具制作过电影大片和特殊效果。Use the tools that hollywood uses to create blockbuster films and special effects.

你见过电影中建筑物被烧掉、桥被毁掉的情形吗?Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned down or a bridge was destroyed?

你是三年级的,修生物和化学,有上过电影课和法国经典电影。Who is the third year in biology, chemistry, have film experience and French film classsics.

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不过电影是否就该更科学准确一些呢?But should films be more scientifically accurate? Sidney Perkowitz is a scientist and author of the book Hollywood Science.

一些学生完全没有接触过电影,他们是非常优秀的画家,而且对把绘画融入电影很感兴趣。Some students don't have film experience at all, they're really good painters that are interested in moving it to the film.

如果你看过电影的话,你会憎恶这个角色,你甚至想钻进屏幕杀掉他,割开他的喉咙,看着他一命呜呼。He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath.

在去圣得西之前我并没有见过电影明星,这次去圣得西,我会见到罗伯特·莱特福德,我最欣赏的一个人。I have never really met with movie stars butsince I’m going to Sundance, I asked to see if I could meet RobertRedford, whose work I admire.

不过电影中那个有趣的家伙是迪恩.马丁的角色,他在真实生活中也是如此——他戴着一顶牛仔帽,如迪恩一样,对任何事都不屑一顾。But the fun guy, as he was in real life, is Dean Martin's character – he wears a cowboy hat and, like Dean, doesn't give a shit about anything.

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但这位演过电影「王者之剑」的明星可别想在美式的主席竞选活动中,与爱写俳句的范宏毕较量政治实力。But "Conan the Barbarian" can forget about flexing his political muscle against the haiku-writing Van Rompuy in a US-style presidential campaign.

西雅图游湖之旅也会经过电影「西雅图夜未眠」中的船屋及其他当地景点,但盖兹的房子无疑是行程最受欢迎的一站。The seattle cruise also passes the sleepless in seattle houseboat and other local attractions but gates'house is far and away the most popular part of the tour.

在做心理训练时,稍微深呼吸,让自己处于深度放松的状态,然后开始在心里想象那些画面,过电影。At one or both of those times, take a few deep breaths, get yourself in a deeply relaxed state and then begin to see pictures and play mental movies in your mind.