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这块壁毯的图案很有现代派的味道。This tapestry's pattern is very modern.

柏柏尔小地毯可以当色彩艳丽的壁毯。A Berber rug makes a colourful wall-hanging.

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他们墙上挂着一块波斯丝绸壁毯。They have a Persian silk rug hanging on the wall.

壁毯还不过是在风中晃动,他则是在大打寒战。He felt very cold, he was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering.

可以通过悬挂画框、照片、壁毯等,配以射灯打光,进行点缀。Can fly through picture, photographs, tapestries , coupled with supply laminating, embellishment.

这个大房间皮埃尔了若指掌,几根圆柱和一道拱门把它隔开来了,四面墙上挂满了波斯壁毯。PIERRE KNEW WELL that great room, divided by columns and an arch, and carpeted with Persian rugs.

明亮的黄色墙面,花形图案的沙发和壁毯,在午后与阳光邂逅。Bright maize metope, spend the sofa of form design and tapestry, meet unexpectedly with sunshine afternoon.

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佛兰德斯壁毯艺术是一座“移动的丰碑”,它承载着各个时代的文化和众多艺术家们的思想情感。Flemish tapestry art is a 'moving monument' and it carries the cultures in various times and great many artists' sentiments.

主要用作装饰用的纺织品如桌布餐巾、窗帘、纺织品壁毯和地毯等等。Furnishing materials for decorative purposes such as table linen and curtains, but also textile wall and floor coverings etc.

随着时代的发展,以实用的壁毯形式逐渐走向艺术化、立体化、风格化。Following the development of times, the style of the practical tapestry was also stepping into the artistic quality, three-dimension and stylization.

烧柴的炉火,罕见的壁毯和装满野生浆果的花瓶,尽管这些都夺人眼目,但我们的注意力还是很快被窗外的风景所吸引。We stepped into the warm comfort of the stone lodge – all wood stoves, rare old rugs and vases of wild berries – but our eyes were constantly drawn to the view.

国家航空和宇宙航行局的使命,样品勘察月球坑冷冻内容不仅发现丰富的水,而是一种壁毯的其他矿物质,起源不得而知。A NASA prospecting mission to sample the frozen contents of a lunar crater found not only a rich supply of water, but a tapestry of other minerals, origins unknown.