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我可以专心做第一步。I can focus on step one.

我们可以选择专心驾驶。We can choose to just drive.

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扫罗不专心事奉神。Saul had no heart towards God.

他们不再怎么专心了。Thay did not pay any attention.

要专心于你自己的学习。Betake yourself to your studies.

偶尔一个人吃饭,安安静静地、专心地吃饭。Eat some meals alone, in silence.

她专心从事科学事业。She committed herself to science.

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你专心吃你的薄饼吧。Settle down and eat your pancakes.

专心工作,不要讲话。Atten to you work and stop talking.

她专心从事于她的新任务。She buckled herself to her new task.

要想流利你需要时间和专心练习。Fluency requires time and immersion.

我们发现最好的方法是专心。The best way I’ve found is immersion.

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但他烦躁不安,根本没有专心在看。But he was agitated and couldn’t focus.

音乐使她无法专心工作。The music distracted her from her work.

一天,当我正在专心的听着时。One day, when I was listening devotedly.

她对自己的职业十分专心。She is very single-minded about her career.

她一向专心研究音乐。She has always devoted herself to her music.

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他喜欢整天其他事都不干,专心于钓鱼。He likes to sit and fish all the livelong day.

他们的谈话都是关于如何专心于操弄小船。Speech was devoted to the business of the boat.

互生办事的专心,少有人及得他。Few people 1 knew of were as devoted as Husheng.