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我的房间像蒸笼一样。我只有赤裸着。My house is so baking that I am naked.

蒸笼很便宜,最多几美元。They're cheap, a few bucks at the most.

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将糯米放在镬或蒸笼上蒸熟。Steam the glutinous rice in a wok or steamer.

今天天气像蒸笼一样热!我简直受不了。It's boiling hot today! I can hardly stand it.

他说我要去有一个蒸笼球吗?He said i was gonna have a ball on the steamer?

蒸笼一掀开,红麴香味先扑鼻。Steamer one opened, red yeast rice aroma first aroma.

买一个金属丝制的蒸架,又叫蒸笼。Invest in a wire steamer rack, also called a steamer insert.

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把唐三藏洗剥洁净了,抬到蒸笼上去!The monk tang wash stripped clean, carried to the steamer up!

如果短袜浸过后仍然臭,把它们放在蒸笼里。If the socks still stink after soaking, sit them in the steamer.

将鱼片摆放于一个蒸笼里上锅蒸。Set a steamer basket in the skillet, and arrange fillets in basket.

糯饭一般均用木制的蒸笼来蒸制。The glutinous food uses the wooden steamer to steam the system generally.

王牌是光华最好的蒸笼纸品牌。尺寸够!质量好!KW is the best Dim Sum Paper's brand in Kwong Wah. Enought Sizes! Best quality!

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其它一些伟大的地方苞括蒸笼里,Malibu和林孔,所以不要错过他们。Some other great places include Steamer Lane Malibu and Rincon so don't miss them.

其它一些伟大的地方包括蒸笼里,Malibu和林孔,所以不要错过他们。Some other great places include Steamer Lane, Malibu and Rincon so don't miss them.

来自空军的客人们聚集在这个像蒸笼的体育馆,主要是想看到一场热火队上演的秀。Guests from the Air Force packed the steamy gym hoping to see the Heat put on a show.

我还会买个新的电饭煲和蒸笼来做些好吃的蒸鱼或蔬菜。I am also getting a rice cooker and steamer to make some nice steamed fish or veggies.

我想在清凉的水里浮游,忘记纽约蒸笼里的热浪。I want to float in cool waters and forget about the heat wave in steaming New York City.

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制作时,将磨好的米粉浆平铺于竹蒸笼上蒸制。Produced process is laying the pulp mill of the rice noodle on the bamboo steamer to steam.

制作时把大米粉调节为糊状,平铺在多层竹蒸笼内,旺火蒸熟。Rice production to adjust for the paste, multi-storey flat in the bamboo steamer with steamed.

客人要吃的时候,只要将小笼包放在蒸笼上蒸一蒸就可以了。When the guest needs to eat, as long as Bao Fang steams small steamer on the food steamer can.