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这个队伍至少为我们提供了一扇窥望北韩的窗户,虽然小的可怜。The team provides a rare window into its country.

她躲在窗帘后面窥望陌生人。She peered at the stranger from behind the curtain.

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人家挂着窗帘呢,别去窥望。Pray, do not go for a peep at the curtains yonder there!

群树如暗示大地的心愿是的,踮起脚来的方向天际窥望。The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at.

那猴子用一双像一个孤独老人一样忧郁的眼睛向笼子外面窥望。The monkey peered out of his cage with the sad eyes of a lonely old man.

他从树林里往外窥望,只见他坐的那辆火车又一次加速行进,转眼间就消失不见了。Peeping out, he saw his train get up speed again and disappear at a great pace.

群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven.

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群树如表示大地的愿望似的,竖趾立着,向天空窥望。The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.

林子里的小动物们眼光被这里发生的事情吸引过来,小鸟从枝头向下窥望着。Birds looked from twigs, and the eyes of animals were drawn to what was happening.

他开门窥望,夜色中认出是一位可靠的邻居。Peering out his door into the night, he recognized the face of a trusted neighbor.

群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天外窥望。The trees. like the longings of the eartistic creofionh. stand a tiptoe to peep of.

他们已经是街上仅有的人了,满天的星星都窥望着他们。They were already the only persons in the street, and all the stars were watching them.

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犹大还在说话时,发现有一部分敌人从山上窥望。And as Judas was speaking these words, behold part of them appeared looking forth from the mountain.

谁不回忆到自己小时候窥望一个洞穴,或走近一个洞穴时的兴奋心情?Who does not remember the interest with which, when young, he looked at shelving rocks, or any approach to a cave?

我从窗棂之隙痴痴的窥望着,看见一朵紫色的小花在颤栗,我想那该是你的魂灵罢。I peeped through the interstice abstractedly and saw a tiny violet flower, quivering. I thought that must be your spirit.

但是在她的梦里,那孩子把遮掩着永无乡的一层薄幕扯开了,她看到温迪、约翰和迈克尔由那道缝向里窥望。But in her dream he had rent the film that obscures the Neverland, and she saw Wendy and John and Michael peeping through the gap.

他亦祝佑了牧神,祝佑了那些在丛林里舞蹈的小东西,以及透过树叶偷偷窥望的长着明亮眼睛的东西。The Fauns also he blessed, and the little things that dance in the woodland, and the bright-eyed things that peer through the leaves.

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不要让陌生人进入屋内。大门应安装窥望镜和有好的照明。Don't let strangers into your home. Fit peep-hole viewers in your external doors and ensure there is good lighting around these doors.

我从窗棂之隙痴痴的窥望着,看见一朵紫色的小花在颤栗,我想那该是你的魂灵罢。I gazed through the window lattice with blank stupidity and beheld a small purple fowler trembling. I guessed that it should be your soul.

这带露台,这扇窗后面有幸福在窥望,还有几架书,两张床,一瓶花,一件衣裳,这已是天堂。This brought gazebo, this window behind have happiness, and a few peep at the book, two beds, a bottle of flower, a clothes, this is heaven.