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亚也,对你来说生命更加短暂,稍纵即逝。AYA, life for you is too short.

我们知道,爱稍纵即逝。We know that love can be fleeting.

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它已经垂手可得,却稍纵即逝。It is readily available, but fleeting.

这些是稍纵即逝的真实快乐。These are the fleeting moments of real joy.

结果就是一种稍纵即逝的文化,一种随意弃置的文化。The result is a culture of transience and disposability.

周五胜利的机会,也差点稍纵即逝。Friday's victory, however, will almost certainly be fleeting.

我们遵行上帝指示的机会同样也是稍纵即逝。Our opportunities to obey God's promptings are also fleeting.

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但是,像社交网络这样的机遇可谓稍纵即逝。But opportunities like the social Web come along only so often.

机会稍纵即逝,我什么都做不了了。And then, the window had passed and then I couldn't do anything.

正如主办方给出的解释,展览聚焦于“生命的稍纵即逝”。It highlights, as the program explains, "the transience of life.

美学稍纵即逝,唯一永恒的是思想。Aesthetics are fleeting, the only things with longevity are ideas.

快乐可能会稍纵即逝,为了保持快乐,你需要精心呵护它。Joy can be fleeting, and to keep it going, you need to nurture it.

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即使你这样做了,那也会稍纵即逝。Or even if you do, you make sure that it’s as fleeting as it can be.

还有,在这里没有什么东西是稍纵即逝的,没有后悔药吃。It's also a place where nothing is temporary and there are no "take-backs.

在一场倾盆大雨之后,一群长尾叶猴们寻找到了稍纵即逝的沙漠瀑布。After a rare downpour langurs seek shelter from a fleeting desert waterfall.

月光的森然,乐律的精魂,一切只是幻影,稍纵即逝。Moonlight Senran, spirit temperament, everything is just a mirage, transient.

把握现在,机会稍纵即逝。我不希望长生不死,我只想趁活着得时候认真的生活。It's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever, I just want to live while I'm alive.

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我们应该珍惜与父母、与子女亲近的时间,因为好时光稍纵即逝!——林清玄。We should cherish the time with parents, and children, because the good time fleeting.

他说,他希望伊朗不要错失他所说的“独一无二和稍纵即逝的机会”。He said he hopes Iran will not miss what he called a "unique but fleeting opportunity."

活在当下,把握每次的机会,因为机会稍纵即逝,为自己的生命找到出路!We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly.