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县政改革、乡村治理或能增加新的生力军?Could county level and rural reform possibly bring in fresh blood?

会党是资产阶级革命派革命的基础和生力军。The secret societies became the basis and main force of the revolution.

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最高统帅部给予了他撤退的许可,并且告诉他一支生力军将赶来支援。He was authorized to pull back and told that a relief force was on the way.

企业家和企业是中韩经贸合作的生力军。Entrepreneurs and companies are a dynamic force in China-ROK business cooperation.

婚育人口是新型生育文化建设中的生力军。Married population is the main force of constructing the new type bearing culture.

民营经济已经成为发展社会主义市场经济的生力军。Non-state-owned economy has become a vital new force in national economic development.

食品、弹药、生力军、邮件以及命令都通过交通壕传递。Food, ammunition, fresh troops, mail, and orders were delivered through these trenches.

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促进衡阳这支湘菜生力军日益壮大,步伐愈来愈稳,愈走愈远。Hunan Hengyang force for this growing, more stable pace, moving further and further away.

报告指出,美国仍是全球科技的生力军。The report demonstrates that America is still the world’s science and technology powerhouse.

80后们有力量,他们正成为职场生力军,创业生力军,车市生力军,消费生力军。They are powerful and become a new force of working fields venture,auto-marketing,consumption.

高等教育是人才培养的主力军,是服务社会的方面军,是科技创新的生力军。College education is the main power to foster talents, to serve society and to create technology.

住院医师是教学医院医教研等各项工作的生力军、后备力量。Residents are the new and reserve force of medical teaching and research work in teaching hospitals.

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作为未来教师的年轻生力军,绝大部分师范生愿意开设数学史选修课程。Moreover, most of the preservice teachers are willing to teach the history of mathematics in the future.

我们有生力军迪乌夫和欧文,这对他们来说也是表现自己的好机会。We had fresh players to come on with Mame Diouf and Michael Owen and it was a good opportunity for them too.

在营地的围墙上,彼得看到敌人正在挣扎着试图解脱,于是派出生力军与瑞典人纠缠。Watching from the camp wall, Peter saw them struggling to disengage and sent fresh troops against the Swedes.

我们希望越来越多的服务器能添加olap4j驱动,olap4j也能随之成为市场的生力军。We hope that as olap4j drivers are added for more and more servers, olap4j will become a force in the market.

小城市对阿迪达斯依然很重要,因为这些城市的人口是中国日益扩大的中产阶级的生力军。Small cities are still important to Adidas, as their populations are newcomers to China's expanding middle class.

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我们少了一些有经验的运动员,然而事情也有好的一面,有些年轻的生力军加入了本队。We've lost some experienced players but on the credit-side there are some useful young ones coming into the team.

特别是追逐时尚、标榜自我的一类白领女性更是一支不可小觑的消费生力军。Chase fashion, can't brag about light consumption fresh combatants that look self-one white collar woman one even more.

布农族巡山员是玉山国家公园管理处的生力军。Rangers from the Bunung aborigine tribe are "fresh troops" for Yushan National Park's Planning and Management Division.