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他们带着炸弹。They had bombs.

这枚炸弹是克莱琴斯基的。The bomb was his.

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阿谁炸弹支给您!This bomb's for you!

欢迎来到视觉炸弹!Welcom to Visual Bomb!

求。的立方根炸弹打中了他。Find the cubic root of.

那绝对是一枚炸弹。It was definitely a bomb.

炸弹雨点般落下。The bombs came raining down.

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炸弹人风格游戏。Bomberman style playing game.

他那辆被安有炸弹的汽车爆炸了。His booby-trapped car exploded.

它开始于一次自杀式炸弹袭击。It started with a suicide bomb.

英雄级的基洛夫将投掷磁暴炸弹。Heroic Kirov's drop Tesla Bombs.

炸弹把房子炸得飞起来了。The bomb blew the house sky-high.

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震撼者投放夸克炸弹。Shockers drop a single Quark Bomb.

炸弹把所有窗门都炸毁了。The bomb blew all the windows out.

这座城市被炸弹炸平了。The city was blotted out by bombs.

炸弹把我们的大楼炸得粉碎。The bomb disintegrated our building.

他们投下炸弹,她阴郁地说。They dropped bombs, she says darkly.

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据之后发现的纸条上说,这是一个炸弹。According to the note, it was a bomb.

另一颗炸弹抛在教堂的塔尖上。Another landed on the church steeple.

他看见炸弹在空中爆炸。He watched the bombs bursting in air.