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你能获得那本珍本古书吗?。Can you procure that rare old book ?

在古书里对我显示你的肖像。Show me your image in some antique book.

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而且是用线装的,很像古书。Plus, it's stringed, like traditional books.

那古书现在只剩下一点残卷了。Only a fragment of the ancient book remains now.

古书描述了此病的具体症状。The symptoms were described in ancient writings.

这在瑜伽古书中已经交代的非常明确了。This yoga ancient books has a very clear explanation.

他钻研许多古书与文件,以寻找事实。He delves into lots of old books and papers for the fact.

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所有这些古书古画都标了价。All these ancient books and paintings have been marked up.

这本古书掌握着在战争和生存中取胜的关键。Thisancient text holds the keys to victory in war and life.

那本古书有几页已被虫蛀坏了。The worms have already eaten off some pages of that old book.

这是一本金属封面的厚重古书。封面相当华丽,并镶有银边。The front cover was ornate, and the page edges clad in silver.

然而,分析气体的技术实现了非侵入性研究古书。But analyzing the gases coming off the old books is noninvasive.

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陈与田古音相近,故古书往往作田。Chen and Tian ancient sound similar, it is often for Ancient Tin.

但是,有一天他在图书馆内发现了一本古书。However, one day he was found in the library of an ancient books.

这本福音书是三份装订在一起的古书中的一份。The Gospel was one of three texts bound together in a codex, or ancient book.

我也收集了不少古书和初版书。I have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self".

在晋城市区北部,有一个充满传奇色彩的村庄,名叫古书院。Located in the north of Jincheng city, Gushuyuan is a village full of legendary.

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这样,阅读古书时才能举一反三,触类旁通。In this way, when can we judge the whole ancient books to read, comprehend by analogy.

训诂学是一门训释词义、注解古书的学问。Studies of exegesis is a kind of knowledge of explaining words and noting ancient books.

他能作诗,能填词,能写字,能刻图章。中国古书也读了不少。He could write poems, lyrics, calligraphy, make stamp and read quiet a few ancient books.