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我只想把这样玄奥的问题,送进茫茫的太空。I just wanna send this cosmic question out into the void.

无形之物不玄奥,有形之物真玄奥。The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.

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他的解读吸引许多人相信这种玄奥之事。His readings prompted many people to believe in this occultic practice.

这天意味着新月在你关于名望和荣誉的玄奥的第十宫每年一次的光临。It marks your annual new moon in your lofty tenth house of fame and honors.

我们讲了一辈子马克思主义,其实马克思主义并不玄奥。We have advocated Marxism all our lives. Actually, Marxism is not abstruse.

从这些神话故事中仿佛从胎盘中我们发现到全部玄奥智慧的大轮廓。For in these, as in embryos or matrices, we have discovered the outlines of all esoteric wisdom.

她伤心欲绝,甚至对我叔叔荷马扬的玄奥哲学无动于衷。She was inconsolable and unaffected by even the philosophical profundities offered by uncle Homayoun.

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在一个玄奥的潜意识象征里,一群欢笑,快乐的孩子正在玩五堆沙子。In unconscious occult symbolism a group of laughing, joyous children are playing on five mounds of sand.

然而,爱又比世间最玄奥的事物更有质感、更有密度、更辛酸也更沉重。And yet love's more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth's profoundest matter.

他曾在1958年说,“真正让我感兴趣的是人的行为,是人面对生活的玄奥而执行的宗教仪式。”“what really interests me”, he said in 1958, “is the conduct of man, the rites he performs to face the mysteries of life”.

画中红色部分象徵跃动的细胞,寓意宇宙广阔无垠,令作品添上玄奥的色彩。The bright red shape symbolizes bouncing cells and suggests pervasiveness of the universe, adding a mysterious touch to the painting.

通过研究各类形式各异、有玄奥理论包装的不规则建筑类型,指出其实际上包含一种回归自然、体现人与自然的和谐共存的艺术情结。Through studying many kinds of vagarious architecture which is with some deep theory, this article points out that it contains a kind of natural regress.

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在20世纪西方文学理论和文化语境中,尤其是在后现代主义理论中,“文本”这一词成了一个非常玄奥的概念。In the western literary theory and cultural context of the 20th century, especially in the post-modern theory, the word text has become an abstruse concept.

妇女们一遍又一遍地听到传统的和弗洛伊德玄奥学说的声音,说她们除了为自己的女子气质感到荣耀,休想指望更好的命运。Over and over women heard in voices of tradition and of Freudian sophistication that they could desire no greater destiny than to glory in their own femininity.

文学概论是对文学普遍规律的一种高度概括,这决定了其势必以一种抽象玄奥的面貌呈现。Introduction to Literature is a high summary to universal law of literature, which is the basic reason why Introduction to Literature is so abstract and profound.

马克思主义之所以不玄奥,其原因就在于马克思主义的精髓、马克思主义的基本原则等诸多方面都“是很朴实的东西,很朴实的道理”。Marxism is not abstruse and incredible, because the basic principles and other aspects which are the quintessence of Marxism are "rather simple thing, rather simple truth".

诗中空旷神秘的景致为北方诗人所熟悉,然而将这份景致用最凝练的瑞典语加以表现,它所体现出的玄奥却常常令他们望尘莫及。His empty, numinous landscape is comfortably familiar to northern poets, but his metaphysical parsing of that landscape into minimal Swedish can often prove too challenging.

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也就是从大洪水开始,经荷马的童年,从诗性智慧来到玄奥智慧的时代,最后回复到第二个野蛮时代。That is, from the beginning of the flood, by Homer's childhood, from the poetic to the profound wisdom of the age of wisdom, and finally back to the barbaric era of the second.

手相大师是科技与人文的交融,让人类不但可以探索真理的玄奥,更可以思考自身的命运和价值。Palmistry is a master blend of technology and the humanities, so that human beings can not only explore the truth of the mysterious, but also think about their own destiny and values.

“服用最大剂量时,他们描述跳出或看见一个完全不同的世界,一些人说它看起来看异次元空间或者可能是灵的世界,他们描述了在意识高度改变状态下的很玄奥的经历”Johnson说。Some people say it seems like another dimension or maybe the spirit world, " Johnson says. "They report these very profound experiences in these highly altered states of consciousness."