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自传是什么?So what is autobiography?

我用我的自传,风唱。I use my autobiography, Windsong.

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一个男人的脸是他的自传。A man's face is his autobiography.

我感觉在写一部自传。I feel an autobiography being written.

自传的一面对露西Grealy。Autobiography of a face of Lucy Grealy.

你们读过杰弗里。坎特的自传。You read Jeffrey Canad's autobiography.

艾科卡的自传是一本畅销书。Iacocca's autobiography is a best- seller.

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“泰德邦迪的自传,”托尼回答。"A biography of Ted Bundy, " Tony replied.

他们偶然间发现了这些自传。They found these autobiographies by chance.

在很大程度上,这张专辑就是我的自传。The album is, in many ways, autobiographical.

请写下你共300页的自传的第297页内容。Write page 297 of your 300-page autobiography.

虽然弥尔顿从没写过正式的自传。Now Milton never writes a formal autobiography.

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你认为这本书算自传式的吗?Do you consider the book to be autobiographical?

他以自传作为他的四部曲的结尾。He rounded out his quartet with an autobiography.

她说她看过关于我的转变的自传。She said she’d read my memoir about my transition.

告诉万卡特希给他写本自传。T. talks about Mr Venkatesh writing his biography.

他在自传里的一段谈到。” he remarked in one passage of his autobiography.

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他把那位篮球明星的自传改编成电影脚本。He dramatized the biography of the basketball star.

自传常常没有传记真实。Autobiography is often less truthful than biography.

我在印度购得拉维·桑卡的自传。I bought the autobiography of Ravi Shankar in India.