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他取道土耳其来到欧洲。He came to Europe via Turkey.

他取道上海飞往纽约。He flew to New York via Shanghai.

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我到苏格兰去通常都取道。I usually take the M6 when I go to Scotland.

他取道向左,时而停下来吃些苔藓浆果。He bore away to the left, stopping now and again to eat muskeg berries.

他避开了早晨码头上的噪音,取道利穆街。He turned from the morning noises of the quayside and walked through Lime street.

于是,他另取道而行,没有从他来贝特耳的路上回去。So he departed by another road and did not go back the way he had come to Bethel.

于是,他另取道而行,没有从他来贝特耳的路上回去。So he departed by another way, and returned not by the way that he came into Bethel.

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只有到朱利亚德那边儿去时,我才走出公寓——但我不象其他人那样取道百老汇大街。I left my apartment only to walk to Juilliard-and not on Broadway like everyone else.

在这个月初,一支不寻常的护卫队伍在夜深人静的时候,取道里昂。IN THE dead of night, an unusual convoy made its way through Lyon earlier this month.

为了避开敌对国家,商品的运输往往要取道数千英里。Goods are shipped thousands of miles out of the way simply to avoid hostile territory.

她取道穿过苜蓿,跑过村子。She picked her way through the alfalfa and took the road that ran through the village.

之后,载重货车又由此取道前往奥克兰港,附近还修建了高速公路。Later, trucks rumbled by on the way to the port of Oakland, and highways were built nearby.

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第二年,他取道威尼西亚进入意大利,焚毁阿基利亚和帕多瓦,洗劫米兰。Next year he came into Italy by way of Venetia, burned Aquileia and Padua and looted Milan.

拜伦突然想起,他蛮可以取道克莱蒙特大街返回兄弟会。It occurred to Byron that he could go back to the fraternity house through Claremont Avenue.

德国进击顽强不驯的南斯拉夫人的主要力量显然是取道罗马尼亚。The main German thrust against the recalcitrant Yugoslavs would clearly come through Rumania.

取道偏僻的乡村之路,经过和当地士兵的交涉,他们最终得以越过边境。Using back-country roads, they eventually got to the border crossing and talked their way over.

那天晚上,我跟随他的足迹,取道这条B1路,一路盘旋而上,走入群山之中。I followed his lead that evening and took the B1 road, which curls itself up into the mountains.

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同盟国在1943年入侵西西里岛,并逐步往北取道向欧洲大陆进军。The Allied Powers invaded Sicily in 1943, and gradually made their way north through the mainland.

多尔曼研究组表明,就算粒子取道嗅觉通路,也会有部分中途停止。His team has shown that even for particles that begin moving up the olfactory highway, some stop partway.

纳吉是伊拉克人,以前在伊拉克当过教师,2006年她和家人从叙利亚取道来到纽约。She was a teacher in her native Iraq, but fled with her family in 2006, first to Syria and then to New York.