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那块美玉是无价之宝。That gem is above price.

我们的孩子当然是无价之宝。Our children, of course, are priceless.

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鲁尼这般水平的技术和意志是无价之宝。That level of technique and desire is precious.

你是时间是无价之宝,你是这样看待它么?Your time is priceless. Are you treating it that way?

所以无论从时间还是屏幕空间节省方面来说,Digsby都是一块无价之宝。From both a time and screen-space saving aspect Digsby is a gem.

对于象火箭这样防守至上的球队来说,8D2真是无价之宝。On a defense-first team like the rockets, he has been invaluable.

战胜的军队抢夺了那城市的许多无价之宝。The victorious army despoiled the city of many priceless treasures.

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但是斯科特的讲述表明有趣的生活才是无价之宝。But Scott's narrative shows that an interesting life is a priceless thing.

古董商没有透露床的价格,但称其是"无价之宝"。The seller didn't disclose the purchase price, but described it as "priceless".

——诚实的生活造就平和的心态,而平和的心态是无价之宝。– Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless.

我拥有一张古董的中国餐盘,我的上海的朋友告诉我它是一件无价之宝。I own an antique Chinese dinner plate that friends in Shanghai tell me is priceless.

以前,是少不更事的小男孩,父母心中的无价之宝。Little boy as I was before, Mon and Dad considered me as their most valuable treasure.

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“犯错是无价之宝,要学会从错误中获益”我的富爸爸告诉我。"Mistakes are priceless, " my rich dad told me. "Study them, learn and profit from them."

在他看来,肮脏或洁净,衣着齐整或不齐整,你们依然是无价之宝。To his mind, whether you are dirty or clean, well dressed or not, you are still priceless.

我觉得这幅作品是无价之宝,毕竟现存的莱昂纳多的真迹不多了。"I would say it is priceless. There aren't that many Leonardo's in existence, " Biro said.

学佛过程当中,第一个要重视的是这个暇满人身,这是无价之宝!It's an invaluable treasure to have a completed body on the way to learn the Buddha Dharma.

意志坚强、胆识过人和不屈不挠的名声是一种无价之宝。The very reputation of being strong-willed, plucky, and indefatigable is of priceless value.

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这个无价之宝也让贪婪凶残的前俄罗斯军官朱柯夫垂涎。This invaluable to let greedy murderous former Russian military officer Zhu Stetchkov coveted.

但是用货币价值来衡量你的时间将有助于你意识到时间确实是无价之宝。But putting a monetary value on your time can help you realize that it does indeed have a value.

这样就展示出你自己是不易到手的“无价之宝”,她要努力才能搞定你。这是高手们常常使用的招数。This is also known as playing hard-to-get and is used religiously by the best players out there.