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你将怎么庆祝呢?How will you celebrate?

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庆祝圆满成功。Celebrate every success.

你们怎么庆祝春节呢?How do you celebrate it?

但是我庆祝得太早了。But I celebrated too soon.

庆祝变成了恐慌。Celebration turns to panic.

你们庆祝新年吗?Do you celebrate New Years?

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是为了地球而庆祝的,It's celebrating the Earth,

一个给O庆祝生日的有趣展览会啊。A fun fair for O's birthday.

“今宵,庆祝我们的爱”。Tonight I Celebrate My Love.

庆祝你的新开始。Celebrate your new beginning!

让我们庆祝国庆节!Let's celebrate National Day.

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没有,有什么庆祝活动吗?No, was there any celebration?

庆祝仪式可能非常简短。The celebrations may be brief.

他们举行了一次庆祝大会。They held a celebration rally.

我们在卢加庆祝了圣诞节。We celebrate christmas in Luga.

奥古塔斯你怎么庆祝的?Augustus, how did you celebrate?

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但黑斯廷斯没有庆祝。But Hastings wasn't celebrating.

莫斯科的新年庆祝。New Year celebrations in Moscow.

滋养并庆祝你的爱情!Nurture and celebrate your love!