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你是喜欢下雪天还是喜欢晴天呢?Snowy or sunny?

晴天的时候打开窗户。Open windows on nice days.

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那天恰巧是个晴天。It happened to be a fine day.

明天是晴天。It‘s going to be fine tomorrow.

我喜欢晴天。我看见太阳。I like sunny days. I see the sun.

它说明天一整天都是晴天。It says it will be sunny all day.

云雨过后,才见一方晴天。After cloud, just see a sunny day.

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在晴天众鸟欢鸣。In fine weather birds sing merrily.

预计本周都应该是晴天。Itrs supposed to be sunny all week.

不少女孩子在晴天打著阳伞。Many girls carry parasols on sunny days.

阴天或晴天,天色阴晴都美。Cloudy or sunny , beautiful all the same.

今天天气怎么样??是晴天。What’s the weather like today? -It is fine.

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终于晴天了,却又热死了。Finally the sun comes back, but toooooo hot.

气象员说今天是晴天,但天却阴沉得厉害。The weatherman said it would be clear cloudy.

刘洲成,晴天雨天我只想和你聊天!Kenny, fine rain I just want to chat with you!

许多人喜欢在晴天戴顶帽子。Many people like to wear a cap on a sunny day.

“如今,无论晴天还是下雨,我都可以工作并获得收入”。Now, whether it rains or not, I work and I'm paid.

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但还是被我们晴天般的心空所包裹。But still we were as sunny as the heart air parcels.

乔西!你为什么拿着伞?今天是晴天耶!Josie ! Why do you have an umbrella? Today is sunny!

七月的一个晴天,暑假开始了。It was a fine day in July when summer holidays began.