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旁人能用英语对答如流,打从心底非常羡慕。Others can use fluent, playing from the heart envy.

他对我讲泰语,如果我也能对答如流多好啊。Sorry, I can not speak Thai. Can you speak English?

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小汤姆对每个问题往往都能对答如流。Little Tom could always answer up to every question.

那小男孩对每个问题往往能对答如流。The little boy could always answer up to every question.

除了两个问题外,这个孩子对答如流。The little boy answered up to all the questions except two.

所有报考者都能对答如流。All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.

史密斯先生的魅力和对答如流的口才实在使我为之倾倒。Mr. Smith's charm and easy flow of words practically took my breath away.

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不论记者如何诘问,发言人总能对答如流。No matter how the reporters heckled him the speaker always had an answer to come back with.

牛人们也果然不失牛人风范,对答如流,博得同学们的阵阵掌声,气氛很是热烈。They answered well as flow, which won the roars of applause from the students, the atmosphere was very warm.

经过了长时间的对峙,本来对答如流的刘文渐渐低头不语。After a long period of confrontation between the original lines such as flow Liu gradually not bow to the phrase.

或者,艺术仅仅是健全人格的组成部分,为了能在晚宴上的知性谈话中对答如流吗?Or is it simply part of being a rounded personality, to be able to engage in enlightened conversation at a dinner party?

他问了我很多问题,包括职业规划、现在公作情况以及家庭情况各方面,当然,我对答如流。He asked me so many questions about my career plan, current job, family, etc. and I answered them all fluently and with ease.

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克拉克宣称,要是对方向华盛顿街上任何一个儿童提任何问题,那孩子都会对答如流。Clark declared that if the Englishman were to ask any Washington street urchin any question, the urchin would make anaptreply.

还要花上几个月的时间去记几百个缩写和拗口的政治人物名,以保证在应付那些刁钻的考试题时能够对答如流。Months of studying, learning hundreds of acronyms and obscure politicians' names to be able to answer tricky quiz questions in seconds.

拉尼尔还说,在简历上多花点时间还有一个重要原因——在面试时,你要对自己的工作经历对答如流。There's also another important reason to take the extra time—you can more easily support your story in interviews, according to Lanier.

据卓灵爸爸透露,“上海申博办的主任亲自与卓灵作了一次面对面的交谈,全部使用英语,结果卓灵对答如流,主任非常满意。According to the trend, dad, "shannghai shenbo do the director himself with the trend made a face-to-face conversation, all use English, the results answer up trend, director of very satisfied."

宋朝有个梁灏,在82岁时才考中状元,在金銮殿上对皇帝的提问能够对答如流,其他生员皆不如他。Liao Hao in the Song Dynasty passed the Imperial Examination at the age of 82. He defended himself so well when the emperor questioned him at the court that he was better than all other examinees.