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我可以把这些缝口拆开。I can open the seam.

我可以把这些缝口拆开。I can open the seams.

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我希望有人拆开这条缝。I want the seam unpicked.

他把汽车拆开进行修理。He disassembled a car for repairing.

计算机很难拆开。The computer dismantles difficultly.

这个小机件是可以拆开来洗的。The gadget takes apart for cleaning.

他把手表拆开来修理。He took the watch apart to repair it.

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她拆开大衣的线缝。She ripped the seams of the overcoat.

这个是大家都不敢拆开的信封。IT IS the envelope they dare not open.

他用凿子把胶合板拆开。He broke away the veneer with a chisel.

这张小床可以拆开,便于存放。This crib takes apart for easy storage.

把这些金属片拆开。Go ahead and just pull that metal plate off.

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他们都在那,甚至一两件拆开的衣服!It's all there, even an untucked shirt or two!

一般的电动扶梯必须完全拆开。Regular escalators must be entirely dismantled.

从饰板上拆开电动视镜接头。Disengage power mirror connector from trim panel.

卡恩斯跑去地下室把雨刷控制器拆开。Kearns went down to the basement and took it apart.

我们拆开机器以零件运输。We dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces.

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他回到屋内,拆开塑料袋子。He returned to room, and unclosed the plastics bags.

拆开放大器本身就是一个经验。Unpacking the amplifiers is an experience in itself.

零头盒应拆开清点。清点后重新装盒,并贴上零头盒标签。The odd ones shall be re-packed and put on odd label.